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Drummond Company, Inc. is principally engaged in the business of mining, purchasing, processing and selling of coal and coal derivatives.
Drummond controls reserves totaling over 2 billion tons and shipped approximately 27 million tons of coal in 2009. Drummond primarily produces low sulfur or compliance coal, meeting Phase II requirements of the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act. The Company's U.S. mining operations are located in Alabama. The international mining operations are located in Colombia, serving customers in both the U.S. and Europe.
Drummond is the largest merchant coke producer in the U.S. and is well known in the foundry industry for its superior product and reliability of supply. ABC Coke has 132 ovens with an annual capacity of approximately 750,000 tons of saleable coke, which is used in the automotive and construction pipe industries and sold to both domestic and international customers.
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