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Alpha Natural Resources is one of America's leading producers of coal,
which is an essential part of our daily lives. From generating light and heat to helping make the steel that goes into our roads, bridges and buildings, coal powers its future. In fact, coal generates 40% of the world's electricity and powers almost 70% of global steel production.
It offer a wide range of premium coking coals which includes.
Low volatile coals ranging from 15.5% to 20.0% dry volatile, typically <1% dry sulfur, 6.0%-8.0% dry ash
Medium volatile coals ranging from 25.0%-29.0% dry volatile, <1% dry sulfur to 1.25% dry sulfur, 6.0%-9.0% dry ash
High volatile coals ranging from 30.0%-36.0% dry volatile, <1% dry sulfur to 1.10% dry sulfur, 7.0%-8.0% dry ash
Alpha also has the ability to make both high volatile and low volatile PCI coals available to our customers.
Its utility coal products range from 8,400 BTU/lb sub-bituminous PRB coals to 13,000+ BTU/lb NAPP coals, having sulfur content ranging from ultra compliance (<1.0# SO2/mm BTU) to 2+ sulfur.
阿尔法自然资源(Alpha Natural Resources)是美国煤炭生产企业,阿尔法擅长于钢铁工业的冶金煤。煤炭基金会在与阿尔法自然资源达成20亿的被收购合同后,阿尔法自然资源成为全美第三的煤炭生产商。
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标签: 海外煤矿

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