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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
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New World ResItsces N.V. ("NWR")* produces quality coking and thermal coal for the steel and energy sectors in Central Europe through its subsidiary OKD, the largest hard coal mining company in the Czech Republic. NWR is strategically located within Central Europe and supplies to a blue chip customer base in the region. Its major customers include Arcelor Mittal Steel, U.S. Steel, voestalpine, Moravia Steel, ČEZ, Dalkia, Verbund and Dunaferr.

(图)New World ResourcesNew World Resources

The Company has 407 million tonnes of JORC reserves. Headquartered in the Netherlands, NWR employs over 18,950 people led by a world-class management team and Board with global and regional experience.
At present NWR mines in the Czech Republic and has two development projects in Poland, which form part of its regional growth strategy.
Its products:
1) Thermal Coal
Thermal coal, also known as steam coal, is used in combustion processes by power producers and industrial users to produce steam for power and heat.
The market for thermal coal remains strong. In the Czech Republic approximately 59 per cent of electricity is generated from coal whilst Poland generates over 90 per cent of its electricity from coal. In 2009 NWR produced 11 million tonnes of coal, with thermal coal sales volumes accounting for 49 per cent (4.9 million tonnes) of total external sales. In 2010, total coal production is expected to reach 11 million tonnes with thermal coal sales volumes expected to account for 40 per cent of total external sales.
Within the NWR group, high-quality thermal coal is produced by Karviná Mine, operated by OKD.
2) Coking Coal
Its coking coal is known for its quality and has a low sulphur content. Its main use is in the production of coke as one of the inputs for steel furnaces and foundries. It is generally more expensive than thermal coal.
In 2009 NWR produced 11 million tonnes of coal, with coking coal sales volumes accounted for 51 per cent (5.2 million tonnes) of total external sales. In 2010, total coal production is expected to reach 11 million tonnes with coking coal sales volumes expected to account for 60 per cent of total external sales.
Within the NWR group, quality coking coal is produced by Czech coal mines operated by OKD
We operate two coking plants through Its wholly-owned subsidiary, OKK Koksovny, a.s. (‘OKK’). The two plants, Svoboda and Jan Šverma, are located in near proximity to Its mines. The Svoboda plant produces both foundry and blast furnace coke primarily from coking coal from Its mines, with the remainder imported from Poland.
Coke is produced by heating the coking coal in furnaces at temperatures of up to 1,200°C, to extract volatile components such as gases, and produce a highly efficient, high carbon fuel. Its steel customers use Its blast furnace coke as a reducing agent in smelting iron ore in the process of making steel. Its foundry coke is used by the iron founding industry to melt pig iron that is then used to make iron castings. Traditionally, foundry coke commands higher prices in the market.
NWR is No. 1 producer of foundry coke in Europe.
In 2009 NWR produced 0.8 million tonnes of coke. External sales volumes of coke in 2009 were 0.7 million tonnes, consisting of approximately 45 per cent of blast furnace coke, 25 per cent of foundry coke and 30 per cent of other applications. Expected coke production for 2010 is 1 million tonnes and the expected split is 58 per cent blast furnace coke, 29 per cent foundry coke and 13 per cent other applications.
NWR 是荷兰一家煤炭、物流与能源控股公司,是捷克最大的硬煤开采公司 OKD a.s. 的单一股东.


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