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Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd (HPPL) is a diversified Australian energy and resources company, with a strong record of pioneering the economic development of regional Australia.
Founded by Lang Hancock over 50 years ago, HPPL has a long and proud history in minerals, exploration and development industries in Australia. Since it was established in the mid 1950s, HPPL has demonstrated a strong commitment to the growth of Australia’s mineral wealth, and has continued to seek and develop additional resource deposits across the country.
The pioneering spirit of Hancock that led the development of the Pilbara region in Western Australia is now being directed to the vast potential of the Galilee Basin in Queensland with Hancock Coal Pty Ltd (HCPL) and the Alpha Coal Project.
HCPL, a subsidiary of Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd has a long-standing interest in the development of the Galilee Basin, with the parent company having held coal exploration permits and investigated the Alpha region since the 1970s.
In the 1970s, resource exploration commenced in the Galilee Basin, which was considered to be uneconomic due to the lack of associated infrastructure on Australia's east coast. Now, some 30 years later, with more developed rail and port infrastructure coupled with the global demand for coal fired power, there is an exciting opportunity for this area of regional Queensland.
website: http://hancockcoal.com.au/
Hancock煤炭是澳大利亚一个大的能源公司Hancock Prospecting下面的煤炭公司。
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