Raspadskaya is a compact integrated coal mining and enrichment complex located in
the Kemerovo region of the Russian Federation. Raspadskaya's license area is part of a very extensive coal field south-west of Tom-Usinsk area of the Kuznetsk coal basin which itself accounts for about three quarters of the total coking coal production in Russia.
Raspadskaya's total resources were estimated at 1,461 million tons and total coal reserves at 782 million ton (JORC standards, according to IMC Consulting report as of June 2006, of which 22 million tons produced by 31 March 2008). High quality of our reserves allows us to employ highly productive modern equipment and achieve high recovery rates. Based on the volume produced in 2007, our reserves-to-production ratio amounts to about 55 years of production.
Raspadskaya's coal production is 100% coking coal. The company comprises a group of enterprises, including
— Raspadskaya: Underground mine with 4 long-wall faces, our largest coal mine and Russia's largest single underground mine.
— MUK-96: Underground mine with 1 long-wall face and the lowest cash cost mine of the Group
— Razrez Raspadsky; Open-pit mine that was the first in Russia to apply the advanced unmanned method of high-wall coal recovery (DSDS)
— Raspadskaya-Koksovaya: Underground mine under construction that will produce hard coking coal of the highly valuable grades K and KO
— OF Raspadskaya: State-of-the art preparation plant
— Five service and infrastructure businesses as well as a sales & marketing company and a management company for the group
Raspadskaya is one of the leading suppliers to the largest Russian smelters, including NLMK (Novolipetsk Steel), MMK (Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works) and NTMK (Nizhniy Tagil Iron & Steel Works).
We also export to Ukraine and Eastern Europe (Romania, Hungry, Bulgaria). The company is in the process of actively exploring entry to the South-Asian markets of India, Japan and South Korea.
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标签: Raspadskaya 海外煤矿 耶弗拉兹集团

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