OJSC Mechel (Russian: ОАО «Мечел») (RTS:MTLR) (NYSE: MTL)
is one of Russia's leading mining and metallurgical companies, producing coal, iron ore, nickel steel, rolled steel products, and hardware. Headquartered in Moscow, the company operates facilities in Russia, Romania and Lithuania.
The company was incorporated on March 19, 2003. Its American Depositary Receipts are traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Mining divisions
Coal - Southern Kuzbass Coal Company, Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Oblast.
Nickel and non-ferrous metals - Southern Urals Nickel Complex, Orsk, Orenburg Oblast
Iron Ore Concentrate - Korshunov Ore Mining and Processing Complex, Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky, Irkutsk Oblast.
Steel divisions
Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast
Izhstal, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic
Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant, Beloretsk, Bashkortostan Republic
Urals Forge («Уральская кузница»), Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk Oblast
Mechel Campia Turzii Company, Campia Turzii
Mechel Targoviste Company, Targoviste
Otelu Rosu Plant Company, Otelu Rosu
Buzau Plant Company, Buzau
Mechel Nemunas Company, Kaunas
Various divisions
Moscow Coke Gasworks Plant, Vidnoe, Moscow Oblast
Vyartsilsky Metizny Plant, Vyartsilya, Republic of Karelia (Metiz is a Russian for Metallicheskie izdeliya - Metalware)
Southern Kuzbass GRES, a power plant in Kaltan, Kemerovo Oblast
Bratsk Plant of Ferroalloys Ltd., Bratsk, Irkutsk Oblast - Mechel owns 100% shares since august 2007
JSC KhK Yakutugol, coal company at Neryungri, Yakutia - Mechel owns 100% shares since october 2007
JSC Elgaugol, coal company
Mechel owns two port facilities:
Commercial port of Posiet, Primorskiy Krai
Port of Kambarka (Kama settlement, Udmurt Republic).
Product:Iron ore, Steel, Coal, Nickel, Hardware
俄罗斯梅切尔矿山冶金公司(Mechel, 俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克钢铁集团)是俄罗斯最有实力的公司之一。公司涉及的经营范围包括:采矿、钢铁、铁合金和电力。梅切尔公司共拥有4家采矿、13家冶金、2家能源和一家电网企业。2009年梅切尔公司创利40亿美元。该公司日前在北京设立了代表处。他们表示,要加强与中国的合作并寻找新商机。
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