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JSC "Siberian Anthracite" is a leader of the Russian anthracite market and has more than 25 year experience of mine developing and exploration. The company mines, washes and sales unique coal from its assets in West-Siberian region of Russia.
JSC "Siberian Anthracite" possesses huge reserves of anthracite, high quality process product extracting the minimum level of noxious agents during its application.
The enterprise is situated in Iskitimsky district, Novosibirsk region. Mining is carried out in the mines of Gorlovsky coal basin. "Siberian Anthracite" is the only coal producer in Novosibirsk region.
In September 2006 "Siberian Anthracite" launched large-scaled seven-year investment program that assumes three phases. Total cost only of the first phase amounts to more than 3 billion rubles. At the moment the company's facilities allow to produce 3 million tons per year, investment program realization will also have allowed to produce 10 million tons of washed anthracite.
There are 5 main types of anthracite produced by the company:
Washed lump anthracite 25–120/25–80 mm AKO brand;
Washed lump anthracite 13–25 mm AM brand;
Washed lump anthracite 6–13 mm AS brand;
Unwashed fines anthracite 0–8 mm ASSH brand;
Washed lump anthracite 0–6 mm ASH brand.
The launching of the washing plant "Listvyanskaya-2" allow to wash all the fractions of the products.
最近几年《西伯利亚无烟煤》有限股份公司与国际独立实验室Incolab Services进行合作,其中包括对产品质量进行检测。在露天开采场所直接进行的分析以及对从运往消费者的装载码头所抽取的样品分析均确保无烟煤优良的品质。
AKO(大块坚果状无烟煤)商标的25–120/25–80 mm品级精选无烟煤;
AM(小块无烟煤)商标的13–25 mm品级精选无烟煤;
AS(果核状无烟煤)商标的6–13 mm品级精选无烟煤;
ASSH 商标(果核状无烟煤、细粒)的0–8 mm品级未精选无烟煤筛除物;
ASH 商标(粉状无烟煤)的0–6 mm品级精选无烟煤。
投入运营的《利斯特维亚斯基2号》选矿厂能精选0 mm以上的无烟煤馏分。
JSC "Siberian Anthracite" possesses huge reserves of anthracite, high quality process product extracting the minimum level of noxious agents during its application.
The enterprise is situated in Iskitimsky district, Novosibirsk region. Mining is carried out in the mines of Gorlovsky coal basin. "Siberian Anthracite" is the only coal producer in Novosibirsk region.
In September 2006 "Siberian Anthracite" launched large-scaled seven-year investment program that assumes three phases. Total cost only of the first phase amounts to more than 3 billion rubles. At the moment the company's facilities allow to produce 3 million tons per year, investment program realization will also have allowed to produce 10 million tons of washed anthracite.
There are 5 main types of anthracite produced by the company:
Washed lump anthracite 25–120/25–80 mm AKO brand;
Washed lump anthracite 13–25 mm AM brand;
Washed lump anthracite 6–13 mm AS brand;
Unwashed fines anthracite 0–8 mm ASSH brand;
Washed lump anthracite 0–6 mm ASH brand.
The launching of the washing plant "Listvyanskaya-2" allow to wash all the fractions of the products.
最近几年《西伯利亚无烟煤》有限股份公司与国际独立实验室Incolab Services进行合作,其中包括对产品质量进行检测。在露天开采场所直接进行的分析以及对从运往消费者的装载码头所抽取的样品分析均确保无烟煤优良的品质。
AKO(大块坚果状无烟煤)商标的25–120/25–80 mm品级精选无烟煤;
AM(小块无烟煤)商标的13–25 mm品级精选无烟煤;
AS(果核状无烟煤)商标的6–13 mm品级精选无烟煤;
ASSH 商标(果核状无烟煤、细粒)的0–8 mm品级未精选无烟煤筛除物;
ASH 商标(粉状无烟煤)的0–6 mm品级精选无烟煤。
投入运营的《利斯特维亚斯基2号》选矿厂能精选0 mm以上的无烟煤馏分。
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