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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Ferrexpo plc发表评论(0)编辑词条

Ferrexpo plc is a Swiss-headquartered resources company with assets in Ukraine, principally involved in the production and export of iron ore pellets, which are used in producing steel.

(图)Ferrexpo plcFerrexpo plc

Ferrexpo is committed to realising the potential of its principal asset, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining (FPM), one of the largest iron ore resources in the world. The Group has several large-scale growth projects in advanced stages of planning, which are currently on hold pending improvements in global market conditions. It remain committed to our aim to be a leading global supplier of iron ore pellets, providing outstanding service to our customers and strong returns to our shareholders.

As part of this commitment, Ferrexpo plc became the first Ukrainian company to be listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (ticker: FXPO) following its successful Initial Public Offering on Friday 15th June 2007.

Ferrexpo plc is a member of the FTSE UK Index Series. It is currently the only pure-play iron ore company listed on the LSE.

There are three basic types of commercial iron ore:

Fines (fine powdered iron ore - 70%-80% of world production)
Lump and pellets are 'direct charge' materials, which means that they can be poured directly into a blast furnace with no further processing, and so trade at a premium to fines. Pellets are more costly to produce, however, but the availability and quality of lump ore is declining worldwide, so the market for pellets is likely to become stronger to compensate.

Ferrexpo produces solely pellets, and is about the 12th largest iron ore producer in the world.
Ferrexpo Plc是一家在瑞士注册股票在英国上市的铁矿石开采公司,主要开采业务集中在乌克兰,该公司是欧洲地区最大的铁矿石开采商和供应商,只生产球团矿。

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