Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited发表评论(0)编辑词条
About Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited
LIM's Schefferville Projects involve the development of twenty direct shipping iron ore deposits in western Labrador and north-eastern Quebec near Schefferville, Quebec. The properties are part of the historic Schefferville area iron ore district where mining of adjacent deposits was previously carried out by the Iron Ore Company of Canada from 1954 to 1982.
Labrador Iron Mines contemplates mining in stages. The first phase of Stage 1 comprises the James Mine and the Silver Yard processing plant which is connected by a rail spur to the main Schefferville to Sept-Iles railway. Full scale mining and processing operations commenced in June 2011 and the first train departed LIM's Silver Yards for Sept-Iles on June 29, 2011. To the end of July, about 50,000 tonnes of direct shipping iron ore had been delivered to the Port of Sept-Iles where it is stockpiled awaiting shipment.
For further information, please view the Company's website at
In August 2011, Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited report that it has entered into an agreement with the Iron Ore Company of Canada ("IOC") for the sale and shipping of all of LIM's 2011 iron ore production.
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