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Sesa Goa Limited, the flagship company of Sesa Group is India's largest exporter of iron ore in the private sector. For the past five decades, the Group has been involved in iron ore mining, beneficiation and exports, with a group turonver of around Rs. 4900 crores. Over the last decade, it has diversified into the manufactiure of pig iron and metallurgucal coke. The Group operates a 280,000 TPY metallurgical coke plant and a 250,000 TPY pig iron plant. Sesa Goa Limited has mining operations in Goa, Karnataka and Orissa.
Sesa Goa's MetCoke Division manufactures metallurgical coke. It has 84 coke ovens with a capacity of 280,000 tonnes. Sesa has developed an energy recovery technology to manufacture coke, compliant with advanced global emission norms.
Sesa Industries Limited manufactures pig iron. It has two blast furnaces with a capacity of 250,000 tonnes per year, manufacturing foundry and SG grades of pig iron.
Sesa Community Development Foundation is an initiative of the Group to contribute to society around its operations. With the development of local youth in the surrounding areas, this Foundation was established with two units under its wing; Sesa Technical School and Sesa Football Academy.
印度矿业公司Sesa Goa公司(Sesa Goa Ltd.)是印度最大的铁矿石出口商。Sesa Goa公司铁矿石年销量为950万吨,其06年焦炭产量为242,000吨。经营产品涵盖 煤 ,矿石, 炼焦厂产品,生铁和采矿和采石设备(贸易)。
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标签: 海外铁矿贸易商 iron ore supplier Indian ore

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