Glencore International AG发表评论(0)编辑词条
is one of the world's largest suppliers of commodities and raw materials, and is also among the world's largest privately held companies. As of 2006, it was Europe's sixth-largest company in terms of turnover. According to The Sunday Times, the company had USD 10.9 billion in shareholders' equity at the end of 2006 and is completely owned by its management.
With production facilities around the world, Glencore supplies metals, minerals, crude oil, oil products, coal, natural gas and agricultural products to international customers in the automotive, power generation, steel production and food processing industries.
Glencore has three principal business groups: Metals and Minerals, Energy Products and Agricultural Products. These business groups are each comprised of commodity departments, through which operations are conducted.
These commodity departments are responsible for managing the production, marketing, sourcing, hedging, logistics and industrial investment activities relating to the commodities within the respective department worldwide.
1)Glencore's Metals and Minerals business group is composed of three commodity departments:
Aluminium • Alumina • Bauxite
Ferroalloys • Nickel
Zinc • Copper • Lead
2) Glencore's Energy Products business group is composed of two commodity departments:
3)Glencore's Agricultural Products include Wheat, Corn, Barley, Rice, Oilseeds, Meals, Edible Oils, Biodiesel and Sugar. These commodities are purchased from mills, refineries, regional merchants, silo companies, cooperatives and, in some countries, directly from farmers.
Association with mining companies
Glencore is also noted for its association with the publicly traded Xstrata mining group, also headquartered in the Canton of Zug, Switzerland. Glencore is reported to serve as a marketing partner for Xstrata. As of 2006, Glencore leaders Willy Strothotte and Ivan Glasenberg are on the board of Xstrata, which Strothotte chairs. According to The Sunday Times, Glencore controls 40% of Xstrata stock and has appointed the Xstrata CEO, Mick Davis. Similar arrangements exist with Century in the U.S. and Glencore partial subsidiary Minara Resources Ltd in Australia.
In May 2009, Glencore has announced it would manage Brazilian bankrupted agricultural products company Agrenco
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标签: Glencore Internation 瑞士嘉能可国际公司 煤矿 coalmine

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