The Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group Vinacomin is an industrial conglomerate of Vietnam focusing to the coal and minerals mining. It has a headquarter in Ha Long, Quang Ninh Province.
Vinacomin was created by the merger of the Vietnam Coal Corporation (Vinacoal) and Vietnam Minerals Corporation. Vinacoal was established in 1995 through the merger of all Vietnam's coal exploitation and processing companies.
Vinacomin operates within many different sectors such as coal exploitation, processing and selling, explosive and cement production, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, tourism, hotels, financing, services and power production in thermopower plants, including the Cao Ngan thermal power station with China's Harbin being its main contractor and Na Duong thermal power station with Marubeni being its main contractor.
Vinacomin currently has five open-pit mines with a capacity of more than 2 million tonnes including Cao Son, Deo Nai, Coc 6, Ha Tu and Nui Beo. It also has 15 other open-pit mines with a processing capacity of 100,000 tonnes to 1 million tonnes per year.
Vinacomin plans in cooperation with the Marubeni and the Linc Energy Company from Australia to exploit bituminous coal reserves in the Song Hong Delta using underground coal gasification technology.
Vinacomin operates one of the world's largest bauxite aluminum mines in Tây Nguyên region.
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标签: Vinacomin 越南国家煤矿工业集团

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