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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Portman Ltd发表评论(0)编辑词条

Portman is a West Australian based supplier of iron ore to the Chinese and Japanese markets. Approximately 75% of product is exported to China and 25% to Japan. Its position in the world market as a niche player has been won through strong marketing skills and a strong management culture.
Portman Limited业务包括西澳的铁矿开采和勘探。公司拥有100%的Koolyanobbing铁矿项目股权,以及Cockatoo Island铁矿项目50%股权。

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