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Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. Its focus is on the pacific rim where it is in the process of developing several large mines, the principal one being the Oyu Tolgoi Project in Mongolia.
It has 2 subsidiaries that it works through, one based in Mongolia (SouthGobi Resources Inc. which is 57% owned) the other in Australia (Ivanhoe Australia Limited which is 62% owned (down from 81% in the summer of 2010)).
The Oyuu Tolgoi Project is considered one of the world's largest copper and gold porphyry deposits For development to happen at Oyuu Tolgoi, an agreement had to be made in which the Mongolian government took a 34 % stake in the project.
In Australia, Ivanhoe has stakes in mines containing gold, uranium, copper and the world's finest grade molybdenum and rhenium. In Mongolia its subsidiary produces coal and has controlling interests in gold and copper mine development projects. It owns a 50% interest in the Kyzyl gold project in Kazhakstan through Altynalmas Gold and has exploration projects in China, Indonesia and the Philippines. Ivanhoe Mines also owns 14% of Entree Gold, a company with interests in copper and gold projects in southern Mongolia and Arizona. The company's largest shareholder is Rio Tinto which recently increased its stake to 35%. Former Canadian prime minister Jean Chretien is a special advisor to the company.
In September 2010 it was reported that exploration around Oyu Tolgoi at the Heruga North deposit revealed higher reserves of gold and copper than previously estimated (the news caused IVN share prices to rise 6%). Capital spending is likely to reach $5Bn; in October 2010, Ivanhoe announced a new $1Bn share offering in order to raise funds to develop this mine. Due to new entitlement offers by Ivanhoe Australia (made to raise funding to develop assets in North Queensland, Australia) Ivanhoe Mines interest in the company was reduced from 81% to 62%.
coal - Ovoot Tolgoi (flagship coal mine that is already producing, 114.1 million tonnes in reserves, Nariin Sukhait Coal Mine, and two development projects, the Soumber Deposit (55.5 million tonnes in reservesand the Ovoot Tolgoi Underground Deposit.
molybdenum, silver, rhenium, uranium, lead, zinc, silver - mines at Mount Isa, Cloncurry (acquired in 2003); the largest project in Cloncurry is Merlin (which has the world's highest grade molybdenum-rhenium deposit),Tennant Creek. It has also acquired Barrick Gold's Osborne asset near Merlin ($18 million needed to complete the purchase) which has an ore processing operating plant
copper, gold
Oyu Tolgoi (isn't scheduled to begin production until 2013)
Measured and indicated reserves of at least 36.3 billion pounds of copper and 20.2 million ounces of gold. Newly discovered deposits at Oyu Tolgoi could add substantially to the measured and indicated reserves estimates.
Oyu Tolgoi, the world's largest gold, 3rd largest copper and gold mine still requires $4.6 billion in investment before construction is complete in 2012; annual production is scheduled to be 544,000 tonnes for copper and 650,000 ounces for gold.
Kyzyl gold project in northeastern Kazakhstan
according to an independent pre feasibility study by UK engineering and consultant group Scott Wilson Ltd. the mine's reserves are estimated at 3.3 million ounces and mine life 10 years.
Relationship with Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto has expressed interest in raising its stake in the company from 35% to 46.6%, eventually leading to a takeover however Ivanhoe Mines is not interested in selling out. Ivanhoe has implemented a shareholder rights plan aimed at preventing a creeping takeover. Though Ivanhoe still needs to raise billions of dollars to develop key projects it is confident that either other investors will come forward or the financing will become available (it is seeking $2 billion in financing from 13 institutions).
Ivanhoe Mines Limited 是加拿大的国际矿业公司,主要在中亚洲和亚太地区经营业务。
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