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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Western Marine Shipyard发表评论(0)编辑词条

Western Marine Shipyard Ltd. (WMShL) is one of the leading shipyards in Bangladesh. Since 1994 it started shipbuilding activities under the umbrella of Western Marine Group. Finally the company was founded with its own slipways in 2000. Since then, the company gradually attained prominence as a major shipbuilding company with quality based motivation until today.

New building
Repair of vessels such as cargo, passenger, tug, pontoon and tanker
Apart from its goodwill as a dependable company, for high quality, competitive pricing and adhering to deadlines, the following are some of its competitive advantages:

1)An ideal location
Western Marine Shipyard is located in Chittagong the major port city of the country. In other words Chittagong is the hub to all export and import taking place within the nation.
2)A dedicated workforce
At Western Marine Shipyard it has 150 professional staffs, 1000 skilled and semi-skilled labors to ensure world class shipbuilding standards. It also has a modern ship design section using internationally reputed software, experts and experienced naval architects who are constantly fulfilling the needs of ship design parameters. It provide in-house and foreign trainings to staffs to enable them to upgrade their skills constantly.
3)Abundance of land
Currently at Western Marine Shipyard it has three yards, totaling 34 acres of land. It is always on the move for acquiring new lands so that large number of orders can be dealt with at the same time.
4)Modern machineries
A wide range of machineries and equipment such as CNC machine, bending machine etc. are available at the shipyard which is constantly reviewed by professionals and experts for possible ways of improvement.
Building world class vessels and advancing the development of Bangladesh is a key objective of WMShL. 

孟加拉国西部船厂(Western Marine Shipyard)是孟加拉主要的造船厂。
地址:H. B. F. C. Building (G/F) Chittagong-4100, Bangladesh
电话:+880 31 712 177, 726 579
传真:+880 31 720 248


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标签: WMShL 孟加拉国西部船厂 造船

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