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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd

In the world's shipbuilding market including European and American markets that sustain the world's largest economy, the vessels built by DSME are appreciated as "ships of the finest quality" in the world. Major oil producers in the world, who have ordered large-scale projects from DSME, have expressed their unequivocal satisfaction with DSME's technological superiority, on-time delivery and the dedication of its people who spare no effort in satisfying customer requirements, as evidenced by the number of follow-up orders.

DSME, established in 1973 at Okpo Bay, Geoje Island, on the southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula, has developed into the world's premium specialized shipbuilding and offshore contractor that builds various vessels, offshore platforms, drilling rigs , floating oil production units, submarines, and destroyers. All vessels and offshore products produced by DSME are of unparalleled quality backed by its cutting-edge IT and systemized shipbuilding technologies based on advanced IT systems, sophisticated offshore platform construction, experience building as well as managing large plant projects, and the state-of-the-art technological prowess to build submarines and destroyers.

DSME employs approximately 1,500 design and R&D personnel with prolific experience, and more than 15,000 skilled workers. This superb workforce working as a team is building environmentally safe vessels with a 10-year life span and outfitting that allows easy maintenance and repairs, while fully complying with international standards including IMO.

DSME, reborn as an independent company in October 2000, is part of a bright future, helping to shape Korea's marine sector. DSME continuously strives to maintain its position as a model company that is committed to the wellbeing of society as a whole, by producing products with an earnest dedication to quality in an autonomous, accountable and vigorous working environment. DSME is also devoted to satisfying the needs of both customers and employees as a value-creating company that always protects the interests of its investors through transparent and solid business management.

Webiste: http://www.dsme.co.kr/


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标签: DSME 大宇造船和船舶工程公司

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