STX Offshore & Shipbuilding发表评论(0)编辑词条
STX Offshore & Shipbuilding is the world's fourth largest shipbuilder, owning STX Europe, Europe's largest shipbuilding group.
STX Offshore & Shipbuilding has built about 700 ships over the last 40 years in Busan and Jinhae.
In 2003, STX Shipbuilding listed on the Korea Stock Exchange. and
in 2008, STX Shipbuilding undertake offshore Business from STX Heavy Industries and launched new services like offshore & plants.
in 2009, Renamed as STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd.
STX Ship Yards
Eastern Asia : 3
South Asia : 2
Western Europe: 13
Eastern Europe: 4
South America : 1
STX海洋造船是全球著名造船厂之一,旗下STX Europe是欧洲最大的造船集团。其业务包括造船和海上服务,具体就是石油气开采,钻井,运输和建设等。
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