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SRK Consulting is an independent, international consulting company providing
focused advice and problem solving. SRK is the world's first one-stop consultancy offering specialist services to mining and exploration companies for the entire life cycle of a mining project, from exploration through to mine closure.
澳大利亚SRK CONSULTING是行业顶级企业。该公司是一个提供专业建议和解决方案的国际咨询公司。SRK是首家为采矿和勘探公司提供从勘探到矿山关闭的矿业项目全过程一条龙服务的咨询公司。SRK的1500多客户中,大多数是世界主要的矿山(包括煤矿)、勘探公司和银行等。
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