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Ernst & Young发表评论(0)编辑词条

Ernst & Young (or "EY") is one of the largest professional services firms in
(图)Ernst & YoungErnst & Young

the world and one of the Big Four auditors, along with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte) and KPMG. According to Forbes magazine, as of 2008 it is also the 9th largest private company in United States.
Ernst & Young is a global organization of member firms in more than 140 countries. Its global headquarters are based in London, UK and the U.S. firm is headquartered at 5 Times Square, New York, New York.
EY has four main service lines:
• Assurance. This comprises mainly financial audit (core assurance) with 54% of total revenues in 2007.
• Advisory Services consisting of three subservice lines: IT Risk and Assurance, Risk, and Performance Improvement. Advisory services accounted for 12% of revenues in 2007.
• Tax Services share of total revenues in 2007 was 22% and includes Business Tax Compliance, Human Capital, Indirect Tax, International Tax Services, Tax Accounting & Risk Advisory Services, Transaction Tax.
• Transaction Advisory Services (TAS), includes commercial, financial, real estate and tax due diligence, mergers & acquisitions, valuation & business modeling, corporate restructuring and integration services.

安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young PLL)
Ernst & Young至今已有一百多年的历史。公司是19世纪50年代一系列兼并的产物。安永会计师事务所的前身是1903年成立于美国克利夫兰的Ernst & Ernst(1979年后合并为Ernst & Whinney)会计公司和1894年成立于美国纽约的Arthur Young会计公司。1989年,原八大会计事物所之中的Arthur Young及Ernst & Whinney之间的兼并造就了现在的Ernst & Young。
  安永咨询公司(Ernst & Young Consulting)是公司的一大组成部分,有雇员10,500人。在过去的两年中,Ernst & Young Consulting的成长速度大大超过了整个咨询行业。数年中,Ernst & Young Consulting的年销售额都保持了35%的增长速度。2000年3月以124亿身价被法国凯捷集团并购,成立新的咨询公司--凯捷安永。

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