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Boston Consulting Group发表评论(0)编辑词条

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm, founded by Bruce Henderson in 1963. It has 66 offices in 38 countries, and its current CEO is Hans-Paul Bürkner. BCG is generally ranked as one of the two most "prestigious" management consulting firms in the world.[1]

The firm prides itself on its employee-focused culture, and over the last 4 years has been the only top-tier consulting firm to appear in Fortune magazine's "Best companies to work for" report. In the 2009 list, BCG is listed as the 3rd best company to work at, and is the only top-tier consulting firm to appear in the top 100.[2]

The company was formed when Henderson, a Harvard Business School alumnus, left Arthur D. Little to become head of a new management consulting division of the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company.

In 1975 Henderson arranged an employee stock ownership plan, so that the employees could take the company independent from The Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company. The buyout of all shares was completed in 1979.



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