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Monitor Group is a privately-owned global management consulting firm. It was
founded in 1983 by a group of six entrepreneurs with ties to the Harvard Business School: Michael Porter, Mark Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Michael Bell, Mark Thomas, and Thomas Craig. Monitor provides services in the areas of strategy consulting, capability building, and capital services.
Monitor Group is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and has offices in 30 major cities around the world.
Managed as an integrated system of international offices, Monitor's offices are not treated as separate profit-generating units, but rather as different posts of a single company. The profits generated by all offices are brought in together as a firm.
Monitor Group actually encompasses a network of several different companies, each with their own variety of services: Market2Customer (M2C) provides research and customer analysis; Monitor Action Group creates strategic plans; Monitor University teaches key findings to chief executives; and Monitor Clipper Partners is a private equity investment firm.
According to editor-in-chief of Consulting Magazine, Jack Sweeney, Monitor Group is well-known for being different. Monitor's corporate stratification includes titles such as "thought leaders" and "chief knowledge officer" in lieu of groups of vice presidents and corporate spokespeople. Another example of Monitor's untraditional approach is its usage of a television production studio, known as TNBT ("The Next Big Thing"), which produces TV shows and videos tailored for individual clients.
Monitor Group is a cosponsor of the Fast Company Social Capitalist Awards, which identify 45 top social entrepreneurs that are changing the world. The firm has also donated more than $20 millionin pro-bono strategic resources and support to New Profit Inc., a nonprofit venture philanthropy fund, since New Profit's founding in 1998. In addition, more than 250 Monitor Group consultants have participated in projects supporting New Profit and its portfolio organizations. The firm received a Pro Bono Award from the US President's Council on Service and Civic Participation as a result of these efforts.
Monitor Group does not disclose its list of clients, which includes Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits and government institutions. Even when discussing clients in-house, Monitor uses acronyms to protect client's identities, a mark of Monitor's hyper-confidentiality. Some engagements that have appeared in the press due to their public nature include a major initiative with the Libyan government and a groundbreaking organizational effort with the University of California.
摩立特集团(Monitor Group)
1983年摩立特集团(Monitor Group)成立于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的剑桥市。作为全球领先的战略咨询公司,我们的数位创始人曾于20世纪80年代在美国哈佛大学商学院执教或者从事研究工作,其中的迈克尔•波特教授(Professor Michael Porter)更被尊为"竞争战略之父"、"战略管理大师"。摩立特凭借强大的理论资源与独特的客户服务方式,迅速成长为世界顶尖的战略咨询公司,赢得了来自业界与全球各行业知名企业的共同认可与一致好评。
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