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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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Booz & Company is one of the oldest management consulting firms and is focused on working closely with the world's leading institutions to create and deliver essential advantage. Founded in 1914 by Edwin Booz, Booz & Company is a partnership and thus entirely owned by its approximately 200 officers. It has 57 offices around the world.
The company recently separated from parent company Booz Allen Hamilton, taking the entirety of its commercial consulting business as well as all consulting operations with government entitites outside the United States. Meanwhile, Booz Allen Hamilton is now focused exclusively on U.S. government consulting endeavors. While the two firms continue to collaborate on a limited number of joint opportunities, their non-compete agreement will lapse in 2011, and it is possible that both organizations will attempt to move into each other’s existing market space. The company recently purchased Katzenbach Partners.
The company organizes its global business into the following regions.
Europe (20)
Stuttgart, Munich, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Berlin, Zurich, Vienna, Milan, Rome, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Dublin, Madrid, Warsaw, Moscow, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen.
North America (13)
Mexico City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, New York, Florham Park, Parsippany, McLean.
South America (4)
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago.
Middle East (5)
Cairo, Beirut, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Dubai.
Asia (7)
Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, Mumbai, New Delhi.
Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia (9)
Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Auckland, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane.


作为全球最顶尖的管理咨询公司之一,Booz & Company为世界顶尖的企业、政府及机构提供协助。

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