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A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce metals, generally iron.
In a blast furnace, fuel and ore are continuously supplied through the top of the furnace, while air (sometimes with oxygen enrichment) is blown into the bottom of the chamber, so that the chemical reactions take place throughout the furnace as the material moves downward. The end products are usually molten metal and slag phases tapped from the bottom, and flue gases exiting from the top of the furnace.
Blast furnaces are to be contrasted with air furnaces (such as reverberatory furnaces), which were naturally aspirated, usually by the convection of hot gases in a chimney flue. According to this broad definition, bloomeries for iron, blowing houses for tin, and smelt mills for lead, would be classified as blast furnaces. However, the term has usually been limited to those used for smelting iron ore to produce pig iron, an intermediate material used in the production of commercial iron and steel.
横断面为圆形的炼铁竖炉。用钢板作炉壳,壳内砌耐火砖内衬。高炉本体自上而下分为炉喉、炉身、炉腰、炉腹 、炉缸5部分。由于高炉炼铁技 术经济指标良好,工艺 简单 ,生产量大,劳动生产效率高,能耗低等优点,故这种方法生产的铁占世界铁总产量的绝大部分。
高炉生产时从炉顶装入铁矿石、焦炭、造渣用熔剂(石灰石),从位于炉子下部沿炉周的风口吹入经预热的空气。在高温下焦炭(有的高炉也喷吹煤粉、重油、天然气等辅助燃料)中的碳同鼓入空气中的氧燃烧生成的一氧化碳和氢气,在炉内上升过程中除去铁矿石中的氧,从而还原得到铁。炼出的铁水从铁口放出。铁矿石中未还原的杂质和石灰石等熔剂结合生成炉渣,从渣口排出。产生的煤气从炉顶排出,经除尘后,作为热风炉、加热炉、焦炉、锅炉等的燃料。高炉冶炼的主要产品是生铁 ,还有副产高炉渣和高炉煤气。
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