Sintering plant发表评论(0)编辑词条
It is the function of the sintering plant to process fine grain raw material into coarse grained iron ore sinter for charging the blast furnace.
To begin with, meticulously prepared mixtures are created consisting of fine ore, concentrates, extras and undersizes arising from screening lumpy burden components at the blast furnace. Ferriferous fine grain discharges from the production chain of the entire steel works are also put into the mixtures. By igniting suitable fuel, iron ore sinter is produced by down draft process. Normally, coke breeze from screening lump coke at the blast furnace is used as fuel. The daily production of iron ore sinter is approximately 7,000 tonnes.
Cross-sectional layout
01.) Rail bridges for ore trans
02.) Ore discharging hoppers
03.) Unloading station for
04.) Building for train thouring
05.) Preblending yards
06.) Yards for reserve
07.) Ore blending yards
08.) Dosing hopper 1-8
09.) Silo No. 1 and No. 2
10.) Binds for blending
material 11.) Unloading station for coke breeze
12.) Coke breeze crushing plant
13.) Nut coke storage
14.) Rotary mixing drum
15.) Sintering strand
16.) Sinter cooler
17.) Loading installation for sinter
to be shipped to BF
18.) Transformer station
19.) Electric precipetator process
gas dust extraction
20.) Housing for suction blowers 21.) Stock
22.) Movintenence workshop
23.) 30 kV-Station
24.) Room dust extraction
25.) Compressed air generation,
heating generation
26.) Lavatories
27.) Plant office
28.) Coke gas line
29.) Oil and lubricants
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