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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Panalpina is a Swiss provider of forwarding and logistics services,

specializing in intercontinental air and ocean freight and associated supply chain management solutions. It operates a network of some 500 branches in more than 90 countries; in a further 60 countries, the group cooperates closely with selected partners. Panalpina employs some 15,000 people worldwide.
Panalpina was fully owned by the Ernst Gohner Foundation until its successful public listing on the SWX Swiss Exchange on September 22, 2005. In 2005 Panalpina acquired Janco Oilfield Services in Singapore and Overseas Shipping Group in Norway.
While the company offers services to various industry verticals such as Hi-Tech, Automotive, Telecom, Retail&Fashion, Health Care as well as Oil and Gas, in the latter it has a leading position in providing logistic services on a global scale.
Panalpina issues master bills of lading under the 'Pantainer' brand name.

  Air Sea Broker是Panalpina集团的全球性货运“批发商”,同时它也协调Panalpina集团的海运系统与世界各地的定期联系,同时还为联合运输提供新型服务。Air Sea Broker下分三个业务部门:海运处、西非处、租船和重型起重处。


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标签: Panalpina 泛亚 物流 货代

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