Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation发表评论(0)编辑词条
Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation is an ocean shipping
company based in Keelung, Taiwan (aka Republic of China). This shipping line was founded in 1972, but has historical links in merger with the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company, which dates back to the Qing Dynasty (1872-1995). Yang Ming currently operates 84 container ships up to 8,250 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) and 17 bulk carriers).
Yang Ming transports more than 2.7 million TEU of containers a year. The Yang Ming Group includes a logistics unit (Yes Logistics Corp. and Jing Ming Transport Co.), container terminals in Taiwan, Belgium, Netherlands and the USA, as well as stevedoring services (Port of Kauhsiung, Taiwan). Yang Ming's service scope covers over 70 nations with more than 170 service points. Yang Ming has been awarded with ISO-9001, ISO-14001, ISM CODE, ISPS CODE and with OHSAS 18001 accreditations.
Our Mission & Vision
A Transport Group with Excellence
Our Core Value
Teamwork, Innovation, Honesty, Pragmatism
Group Logo
"Yang Ming " is transliterated from its two Chinese characters " ." "Yang Ming" refers to the sun and lightness. "Yang" refers to the sun, whereas "Ming" is the combination of the sun and the moon and often denotes "brightness," "clarity" or "enlightenment
Corporate Key Colors :
The Red color implies Yang Ming's managing philosophy of sincere
The Grey color stands for Yang Ming's core values.
Teamwork-oriented: Grey is the mixture of black and white. It means successful work is done by the coordination and communication of mutual parties.
Innovative: Grey has the feeling of modern life and technology,
which meet the spirit of innovation.
Honest and Pragmatic: Grey is a neutral color, not shining but also not so ignorable. Grey is a reliable color that embodies the pragmatic goals of doing the job right the first time.
Yang Ming Lines was implicated in the 1996 deaths of 3 Romanian stowaways which are detailed below:
On March 12 1996, two Romanian stowaways, Radu Danciu and Petr Sangeorzan, were discovered on the container ship Maersk Dubai and ordered overboard on a makeshift raft, approximately 70 kilometres off the coast of Gibraltar. On May 18 of the same year, en route to the Port of Halifax, another Romanian, Gheorghe Mihoe, was found hiding in a large cargo container and forced overboard at knife point by Captain Sheng Hsiu and four of his officers. A fourth stowaway, Nicolae Pasca, was discovered by Filipino crew member Rodolpho "Rudy" Miguel and kept hidden until the ship arrived at Halifax, where eight Filipino crewmen (including Miguel) jumped ship and reported the incident to the authorities.
Upon arrival in Halifax the Maersk Dubai was stormed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Captain Hsiu and his Taiwanese officers were arrested and charged with first degree murder. The radio operator attempted to escape by jumping into the Halifax harbour and was later arrested. Captain Hsiu attempted to deny access to the ship under international shipping laws.
A spokesman for Yang Ming Lines, owner of the Maersk Dubai, claimed the Filipino crew members had made false accusations in retaliation for a dispute over wages. The Filipino crewmen maintained that the stowaways were thrown overboard in order to avoid paying a fine of US$5090 for each illegal immigrant brought into Canada. Lee Cohen, a Halifax immigration lawyer, acted on behalf of some of the Filipino crew members, while the Republic of China retained the services of the Canadian criminal lawyer Edward Greenspan.
The Republic of China protested the storming of the ship and the arrest of the officers, and contested the attempt by Canadian authorities to extradite them to Romania, citing Article 92 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Article 92 states that "Ships shall sail under the flag of one state only and, save in exceptional cases expressly provided for in international treaties or in this Convention, shall be subject to its exclusive jurisdiction on the high seas." Article 97 of the same Law further holds that "no arrest or detention of the ship, even as a measure of investigation, shall be ordered by any authorities other than those of the flag state." The flag state in this case was the Republic of China, which owns Yang Ming Lines.
The officers were eventually extradited to Taiwan. Captain Hsiu was charged with criminal negligence causing death and was subsequently acquitted for lack of evidence regarding the stowaways' death. None of the other officers were brought to trial.
Several crew members claimed they saw no sign of the makeshift raft after the ship had passed, and believed that it may have been dragged under by the ship's wake. The three stowaways were never seen again. Their families received an out-of-court settlement after filing civil suit against the Yang Ming Lines.
The surviving stowaway is now living in the United States. Four of the Filipino crewmen who reported the incident have remained in Halifax, and three of them now work for the Canadian Coast Guard. Their families in the Philippines were reported to have gone into hiding during the proceedings for fear of reprisals by agents hired by the Ming Lines.
The incident was one of the main themes of progressive metal band Savatage's concept album The Wake of Magellan. A partially fictionalized version of the incident was the plot of the book The Stowaway by Robert Hough.
阳明海运于公元1996年8月获得国家质量优良案例奖,再陆续通过ISM CODE国际船舶安全管理认证、ISPS CODE国际船舶与港口设施保全章程认证、ISO9001国际质量认证、ISO14001国际环保认证,并透过与日本K-Line、大陆 COSCO、韩国Hanjin及其他知名船公司的联营合作,扩张绵密的服务范围,持续努力加强服务顾客,积极提高营运绩效。今后,阳明海运将继续秉持着现代化、制度化、效率化的管理,提供客户准、快、稳、省的一贯完善服务。
• 标志字义:以「阳明」为名系兼取「阳明」为「日」、「太阳」、「光明」之含义与纪念先贤王阳明先生,并奉行其知行合一、即知即行的思想之意。
• 标志造型:采方框与结合英文字型Y.M之造型设计,Y表示顶天立地,向上伸展,象征阳明海运集团积极创新;M表示坚实雄伟,门户恢闳,代表阳明海运集团诚信务实。
• 红色:代表阳明热诚关怀的服务理念。
• 银灰色:代表本公司的理念价值。
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