FreightCar America, Inc.发表评论(0)编辑词条
FreightCar America---the home of the aluminum railcar, is proud of its heritage of building and designing railcars. And we have good reason. FreightCar America has been manufacturing quality railcars since 1901. The generations of employees responsible for creating its reputation for quality have made FreightCar America the largest North American manufacturer of aluminum railroad freight cars used to haul coal. FreightCar America now uses its design knowledge, enhanced production facilities, and unequaled experience in aluminum railcar building to expand its product line and provide cost benefits to customers.
Quality at FreightCar America is not just an idea---it's the high degree of excellence every FreightCar America employee is focused on achieving. FreightCar America is committed to building quality cars for its valued customers.
Committed to Customers
Our commitment to customer service at FreightCar America begins with the first customer contact and extends through the life of the railcar.
Customer focus has been the key to our success. FreightCar America's Customer Service Department is highly qualified and experienced to help with any of your service requirements.
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