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AK Steel Holding Corporation, through its subsidiaries, produces flat-rolled carbon, stainless, and electrical steels, and tubular products primarily in the United States and internationally.
It manufactures flat-rolled carbon steels, including coated, cold-rolled, and hot-rolled products; and specialty stainless and electrical steels that are sold in slab, hot band, and sheet and strip forms.
The company also involves in finishing flat-rolled carbon and stainless steel into welded steel tubing, which is used in the automotive, large truck, and construction markets; and trades in steel and steel products in Europe. It sells flat-rolled carbon steel products primarily to automotive manufacturers; and to customers in the infrastructure and manufacturing markets consisting of manufacturers of appliances, electrical transmission, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.
The company also sells its coated, cold rolled, and hot rolled carbon steel products to distributors, service centers, and converters. AK Steel Holding sells its stainless steel products primarily to manufacturers and their suppliers in the automotive industry; manufacturers of food handling, chemical processing, pollution control, and medical and health equipment; and distributors and service centers; and electrical steels to manufacturers of power transmission and distribution transformers, and electrical motors and generators. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in West Chester, Ohio.
美国AK钢公司(AK Steel Corporation,AKS)
作为世界五百强之一,美国AK钢公司年销售额达50亿美元, 主要运营地位于俄亥俄州、印地安那州、肯塔基州以及宾夕法尼亚州包括7个炼钢与加工厂。公司产品包括扁平材、不锈钢、电工钢、管材等,应用于汽车、电器、建筑以及制造等行业。此外该公司旗下的AK钢管公司还负责坐落于俄亥俄州和印第安纳州的平轧碳钢管厂和不锈钢管厂生产的使用于汽车,大型卡车和建筑市场的钢管焊接。2007年其钢材产量总计648万吨,其中,不锈钢/电工钢的产量为107.2万吨,较2006年同比增长16.7%。
罗克波特厂位于约附近一千七百英亩罗克波特,印第安纳。 170万squarefoot厂由一个国家最先进的连续冷连轧机,连续热镀锌线,连续碳和不锈钢酸洗线,连续不锈钢退火酸洗线,氢退火设施和整机。
巴特勒厂位于宾夕法尼亚州,约1300英亩在。 主要生产的不锈钢,电工钢及碳钢。巴特勒工程拥有一个热连轧机,退火酸洗线和两个完全自动化的冷连轧机。它还负责不锈钢和电工钢的加工和处理。
科肖克顿厂位于俄亥俄州,该厂主要是不锈钢加工厂,包括两个Sendzimer线和冷处理的两条线,四个退火酸洗线,九个退火炉, 4个氢退火炉,两个光亮退火线和其他处理设备,包括轧制,分切和包装设施。
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