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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Midrex Technologies inc.发表评论(0)编辑词条

Midrex is direct reduction.

As the world technology leader in direct reduced iron (DRI)- a high-purity product for use in steelmaking, ironmaking and foundry applications - Midrex has built more than 60 modules in 21 countries since 1969.

The MIDREX® Direct Reduction Process converts iron ore into DRI using natural gas, and it is the most energy-efficient technology available for direct reduction.

Overcoming technical, commercial, and cultural challenges, Midrex prides itself in the fact that its plants are able to perform at or above capacity in climates that range from the dry, sandy heat of Saudi Arabia to the frigid cold temperatures of Canada and Russia.  Midrex has held more than 60% of the world DRI market every year since 1987.

Midrex offers flowsheets for the production of DRI, HBI and HDRI (Hot Direct Reduced Iron for transport to an EAF). Midrex also supplies the HOTLINK® System, which enables HDRI to be gravity fed directly to an EAF. By using the HOTLINK System to connect two MEGAMODS® with two EAFs and two slab casters, it is possible to develop a 2.5 Mt/y steel complex based on 100 percent continuously charged DRI.


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