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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Ferrous Resources Limited发表评论(0)编辑词条

Ferrous ResItsces Limited, through development of its portfolio of iron ore mineral resItsces, aims to become a major supplier of iron ore products to the global steel industry.
Its target is to build production and sales of iron ore products to 50 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa"). Approximately 90% of production
Its principal iron ore mineral properties are all located in the Iron Quadrangle, the largest iron ore producing region in Brazil, and within 50 km to 80 km to the south west and south of Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state of Minas Gerais. 
Founded in 2007, Ferrous Resources do Brasil sells, researches and explores for iron ore. The company plans to produce 25Mt/y of iron ore as of 2014 and 50Mt from 2017.
Its first export sale of iron ore products was shipped in the second half of 2008.
The Group owns the following mining interests, all of which are in the Iron Quadrangle in Minas Gerais state, Brazil:
FERROUS iron ore resItsces (JORC Code compliant) totaled 2,958 million tonnes at Esperança, Serrinha, Viga and Santanense grading 35.6% Fe. as at 10th December 2008. All of the Properties are located in the Iron Quadrangle in Minas Gerais state, Brazil.

铁资源有限公司(Ferrous ResItsces Limited)从事铁矿石资源开发,旨在成为全球钢铁行 业内铁矿石的一个主要供应商。
公司的目标是每年至少生产和销售5,000 万吨铁矿石,其中90%以上的产品将为球团矿 粉,其余为块矿和烧结矿粉。
为实现这一目标,公司正在积极推进各项工作,包括分期开发铁矿(铁路装运站将用现有 的MRS 铁路网)和建设矿浆管道和港口。
公司的铁矿石项目全部位于铁四角地区。该区位于巴西(Brazil)米纳斯吉拉斯州(Minas Gerais)首府贝洛奥里藏特市(Belo Horizonte)西南偏南方向,是巴西境内最大的铁矿石生产区。
公司已在圣埃斯皮里图州(Espirito Santo)南部购买了港口建设用地,并正在进行大吨位 吞吐量进出口港口的报批工作,港口建成后公司自有矿山生产的铁矿石和可能外购的铁矿 石将通过矿浆管道输送至港口。港口建设用地的地类已获所在地政府的批准,且州政府对 规划港口的开发也给予了大力支持。港口建设用地面积很大,已为与财务或战略合作伙伴 合作建设球团厂和钢厂预留用地。公司已启动球团厂工艺选择和设计的前期工作以及建设钢厂方面的评估。
此外,公司正在里约热内卢州(Rio de Janeiro)塞佩蒂巴湾(Sepetiba Bay)寻求机会,可能选择与第三方合作建设港口。
公司计划在公司所属矿山到圣埃斯皮里图州(Espirito Santo)南部的港口之间建设一条约 400 公里长的矿浆管道。

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