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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Murchison Metals Limited发表评论(0)编辑词条

Murchison Metals Limited ('Murchison') is an Australian ASX listed company.

(图)Murchison Metals LimitedMurchison Metals Limited

 Murchison is included in the S&P/ASX 200 Index.

The Company is aiming to create shareholder wealth through mining and exporting high quality iron ore to world markets.

Murchison is a 50% shareholder in Crosslands Resources Ltd ('Crosslands') which is the owner of the Jack Hills iron ore project located in the mid-west region of Western Australia. The remaining 50% of Crosslands is held by Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd ('Mitsubishi'), a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan's largest general trading company.

In addition, Murchison has a 50% economic interest in a new independent infrastructure business, Oakajee Port and Rail (OPR). OPR has the right to construct new port and rail infrastructure to service miners (including Crosslands) and other potential customers in the mid-west region of WA. The remaining 50% economic interest in OPR is held by Mitsubishi.

Murchison has a strong, experienced and energetic hands-on management team which will continue to support both Crosslands and OPR to become, respectively, a leading iron ore producer and a leading infrastructure business.


Murchison是Crosslands Resources Ltd ("Crosslands")的50%股份持有者,Crossland是位于西澳中西部地区Jack Hills 铁矿石项目的所有者。Crosslands的余下50%股份由日本最大贸易公司三菱集团旗下Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd (下称"Mitsubishi")持有。

另外,Murchison拥有独立基础设施企业Oakajee Port and Rail (OPR)的50%股份。OPR的余下50%股份由Mitsubishi持有。OPR的港口及铁路整体发展计划将为西澳中西地区的矿业企业(包括Crosslands)和其他潜在客户提供世界级的物流服务。




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标签: Murchison 铁矿石 矿山

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