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Iron ores are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. The ores are usually rich in iron oxides and vary in color from dark grey, bright yellow, deep purple, to rusty red.
The iron itself is usually found in the form of magnetite (Fe3O4), haematite (Fe2O3), goethite, limonite, siderite and etc. Hematite is also known as "natural ore". The name refers to the early years of mining, when certain hematite ores contained 66% iron and could be fed directly into iron making blast furnaces. Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials to make steel. 98% of the mined iron ore is used to make steel.
Iron nuggets are high in purity and iron content (>95% Fe). In the process of producing iron nuggets, all the iron oxide is reduced and no FeO remains in the nugget. The contents of silicon, manganese, and phosphorus in the product depend on raw material selection. The product sulfur level also depends on the sulfur contained in the feed reductant; however, it is often possible to reduce the sulfur level remaining in the nugget to an acceptable range (typically <0.03%). The final nugget product does not re-oxidize and does not generate fines. Therefore, it is easier than DRI and HBI products to handle and transport. The nuggets can be continuously fed to an electronic arc furnace (EAF).
Pig iron is the intermediate product of smelting iron ore with coke, usually with limestone as a flux. It has a very high carbon content, which makes it very brittle and not useful directly as a material except for limited applications. Grades range from 90% Fe (HBI) to 96% Fe.
The traditional shape of the molds used for these ingots was a branching structure formed in sand, with many individual ingots at right angles to a central channel or runner. Such a configuration is similar in appearance to a litter of piglets suckling on a sow. When the metal had cooled and hardened, the smaller ingots (the pigs) were simply broken from the much thinner runner (the sow), hence the name pig iron. As pig iron is intended for remelting, the uneven size of the ingots and inclusion of small amounts of sand was insignificant compared to the ease of casting and of handling. Pig iron contains varying amounts of contaminants such as sulfur, silicon and phosphorus. Its only significance is that of an intermediate step on the way from iron ore to cast iron and steel.
The pelletizing of iron ore produces spheres of typically 8-18 mm (0.31-0.71 inch) diameter. The process combines agglomeration and thermal treatment to convert the raw ore into pellets with characteristics appropriate for use in a blast furnace and grades of 67%-72% Fe. Additional materials are added to the iron ore (pellet feed) to meet the requirements of the final pellets. This is done by placing the mixture in the pelletizer, which can hold different types of ores and additives, and mixing to adjust the chemical composition and the metallurgic properties of the pellets. In general, the following stages are included in this period of processing: concentration / separation, homogenization of the substance ratios, milling, classification, increasing thickness, homogenization of the pulp and filtering.
Iron ore concentrate is an output product from processed ores that have been milled (crush, grind, magnetic separation, +/- flotation) to separate deleterious elements and produce a higher quality product of 63% to 69% iron (Fe) compared to fines. It is sold to sinter and pellet plants and, due to its quality, usually commands a slight premium but is overall priced competitively with iron ore fines.
Iron ore fines are a screened small fraction of high grade direct ship ore. The grade ranges from 56% to 66% iron (Fe) with the deleterious elements managed through ore blending. Fines are primarily sold to sinter plants and are typically cheapest product available to the steel industry blast furnaces.
In the United States, almost all of the iron ore that is mined is used for making steel. The same is true throughout the world. Raw iron by itself is not as strong and hard as needed for construction and other purposes. So, the raw iron is alloyed with a variety of elements (such as tungsten, manganese, nickel, vanadium, chromium) to strengthen and harden it, making useful steel for construction, automobiles, and other forms of transportation such as trucks, trains and train tracks.
While the other uses for iron ore and iron are only a very small amount of the consumption, they provide excellent examples of the ingenuity and the multitude of uses that man can create from our natural resources.
Powdered iron: used in metallurgy products, magnets, high-frequency cores, auto parts, catalyst. Radioactive iron (iron 59): in medicine, tracer element in biochemical and metallurgical research. Iron blue: in paints, printing inks, plastics, cosmetics (eye shadow), artist colors, laundry blue, paper dyeing, fertilizer ingredient, baked enamel finishes for autos and appliances, industrial finishes. Black iron oxide: as pigment, in polishing compounds, metallurgy, medicine, magnetic inks, in ferrites for electronics industry.
• 磁铁矿—Fe3O4
• 赤铁矿—Fe2O3
• 褐铁矿—FeO(OH)
• 钛铁矿—FeTiO3
• 菱铁矿—FeCO3等。
• 黃铁矿—FeS2等。
(1)磁铁矿(MagnetITe)是一种氧化铁的矿石,主要成份为Fe3O4,是Fe2O3和FeO的复合物,呈黑灰色,比重大约5.15左右,含Fe72.4%,O 27.6%,具有磁性。在选矿(Beneficiation)时可利用磁选法,处理非常方便;但是由于其结构细密,故被还原性较差。经过长期风化作用后即变成赤铁矿。
(2)赤铁矿(Hematite)也是一种氧化铁的矿石,主要成份为Fe2O3,呈暗红色,比重大约为5.26,含Fe70%,O 30%,是最主要的铁矿石。由其本身结构状况的不同又可分成很多类别,如赤色赤铁矿(Red hematite)、镜铁矿(SPEcularhematite)、云母铁矿(Micaceous hematite)、粘土质赤铁(Red Ocher)等。
(3)褐铁矿(Limonite)这是含有氢氧化铁的矿石。它是针铁矿(Goethite)HFeO2和鳞铁矿(LepidoCRocite)FeO(OH)两种不同结构矿石的统称,也有人把它主要成份的化学式写成mFe2O3.nH2O,呈现土黄或棕色,含有Fe约62%,O 27%,H2O 11%,比重约为3.6~4.0,多半是附存在其它铁矿石之中。
(5)铁的硅酸盐矿(Silicate Iron)此类矿石是一种复合盐,没有一定的化学式,成份的变化很大,一般呈现深绿色,比重为3.8左右,含铁成份很低,是一种较差的铁矿石。
(6)硫化铁矿(Sulphide iron)这种矿石含有FeS2,含Fe只有46.6%而S的含量达到53.4%。呈现灰黄色,比重大约为4.95~5.10。由于这种矿石常常含有许多其它较贵重的金属如铜(CoPPer)、镍(Nickel)、锌(Zinc)、金(Gold)、银(Silver)等,所以常被用做他种金属冶炼工业的原料;又由于它含有大量的硫,所以常被用来提制硫磺,铁反而变成了副产品,所以事实上已不能称为铁矿石矣.
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