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Broken Hill Proprietary Company
The Broken Hill Proprietary Company or BHP was incorporated in 1885, operating the silver and lead mine at Broken Hill in western New South Wales.[3] In 1915, the company ventured into steel manufacturing, with its operations based primarily in Newcastle, New South Wales. The company's corporate offices are located in Melbourne, Victoria.[4] It is also known by the nickname "the Big Australian".[5]
The company began petroleum exploration in the 1960s with discoveries in Bass Strait, an activity which became an increasing focus.[6]
BHP began to diversify offshore in a variety of projects. One project was the Ok Tedi copper mine in Papua New Guinea, where the company was successfully sued by the indigenous inhabitants because of the environmental degradation caused by the mine operations.[7] BHP had better success with the giant Escondida copper mine in Chile (57.5% owned) and the Ekati Diamond Mine in northern Canada.[8]
The inefficiencies of what was, by global standards, a small steel operation in Newcastle finally caught up with the company and the Newcastle operations were closed in 1999.[9] The 'long products' side of the steel business was spun off to form OneSteel in 2000.[10]
In 2001, BHP merged with the Billiton mining company to form BHP Billiton, the largest mining company in the world. In 2002, the 'flat products' steel business was spun off to form BHP Steel. In 2003, BHP Steel changed its name to BlueScope Steel.[4]
Billiton was a mining company whose origins stretch back to 29 September 1860, when the articles of association were approved by a meeting of shareholders in the Groot Keizerhof hotel in The Hague, Netherlands.[11]
Two months later, the company acquired the mineral rights to tin-rich islands of Banka (Bangka) and Billiton (Belitung) in the Indonesian archipelago, off the eastern coast of Sumatra.[11]
Billiton's initial business forays included tin and lead smelting in The Netherlands, followed in the 1940s by bauxite mining in Indonesia and Suriname. In 1970, Royal Dutch/Shell acquired Billiton and accelerated the scope of progress of this growth.[11] The tin and lead smelter in Arnhem, Netherlands was shut down in the 1980s.
In 1994 Gencor acquired the mining division of Billiton excluding the downstream metal division.[12] Billiton was divested from Gencor in 1997.[13] In 1997, Billiton Plc became a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.[11]
Former Billiton corporate logo.Throughout the 1990s and beyond, Billiton Plc experienced considerable growth. Its portfolio included aluminium smelters in South Africa and Mozambique, nickel operations in Australia and Colombia, base metals mines in South America, Canada and South Africa, coal mines in Australia, Colombia and South Africa, as well as interests in operations in Brazil, Suriname, Australia (aluminium) and South Africa (titanium minerals and steel and ferroalloys).
In 2001 Billiton Plc merged with the Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) to form BHP Billiton.[2]
BHP Billiton Mergers and Acquisitions
In March 2005, Billiton announced a US$7.3 billion agreed bid for another mining company WMC Resources, owners of the Olympic Dam uranium mine in South Australia, nickel operations in Western Australia and Queensland, and a fertiliser plant also in Queensland. The takeover achieved 90% acceptance on 17 June 2005, and 100% ownership was announced on 2 August 2005, achieved through compulsory acquisition of the last 10% of the shares.[14]
On 8 November 2007, BHP Billiton announced it was seeking to purchase rival mining group Rio Tinto Group in an all-share deal. The initial offer of 3.34 shares of BHP Billiton stock for each share of Rio Tinto was rejected by the board of Rio Tinto for "significantly undervaluing" the company. It was unknown at the time if BHP Billiton would attempt to purchase Rio Tinto through some form of hostile takeover[15]; however, CEO Marius Kloppers met with many of Rio's shareholders since the announcement and reiterated that the offer for Rio was "compelling" and that BHP Billiton is very "patient." [16] A formal hostile bid of 3.4 BHP Billiton shares for each Rio Tinto share was announced on 6 February 2008. [17] The bid was withdrawn on 25 November 2008 due to a global recession. [18]
On 14 May 2008, BHP Billiton shares rose to a record high of AU $48.90 after speculation that Chinese mining firm Chinalco was considering purchasing a large stake. BHP representatives refused to comment.[19]
On 25 November 2008. Billiton announced that it would drop its $66 billion takeover of rival Rio Tinto Group saying that the "risks to shareholder value" would "increase" to "an unacceptable level" due to the global financial crisis.[20]
Recent history
On 21 January 2009 the company announced a response to the global financial crisis; BHP Billiton plans to close the Ravensthorpe mine and revert to processing ore only at the Yabulu nickel plant in Queensland Australia. Additionally the Pinto Valley mine in the United States was also closed. In total 6,000 employees were laid off, including those laid off with the scaling back at some other projects.[21]
The company operates a wide variety of mining and processing operations in 25 countries, employing approximately 38,000 people.
The company has nine primary operational units:
Iron ore
Base Metals (primary products include copper, lead, zinc and uranium)
Metallurgical Coal
Thermal Coal
Stainless Steel Materials (nickel and cobalt)
Diamonds & Speciality Products (diamonds and titanium minerals)
Corporate structure
The Australian BHP Billiton Limited and the British BHP Billiton Plc list separately with separate shareholder bodies but they operate as one business with identical boards of directors and a single management structure. The headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia. The company has other key offices in London, Perth, Johannesburg, Santiago, Singapore, Shanghai, Houston and The Hague.
The company's shares trade on the following exchanges:[22]
BHP Billiton Limited
Australia (ASX: BHP)
Germany (Frankfurt)
Switzerland (Zurich)
BHP Billiton plc
South Africa (JSE: BIL)
After the merger between BHP and Billiton in 2001, Brian Gilbertson of Billiton was appointed CEO. In 2003, after just six months at the helm, he abruptly stepped down, citing irreconcilable differences with the boards.[23]
Upon Gilbertson's resignation, Chip Goodyear was announced as the new CEO. He continued in that role until his retirement on 30 September 2007. Marius Kloppers is his immediate successor CEO.[24]
Inclement weather caused a BHP Billiton helicopter to crash in Angola on 16 November 2007, killing the helicopter's five passengers, including BHP's chief operation officer in Angola, David Hopgood. The helicopter went down about 80 km/50 miles from Alto Cuilo Camp, a diamond mining site the employees wanted to visit. BHP Billiton responded by suspending operations in the country. The company is investigating the incident.
Mines and processing facilities
Ohanet gas field
ROD gas field
Diamond exploration
Appin, New South Wales
Bass Strait, Victoria, 50% owned
Blackwater, Queensland
Broadmeadow, Queensland
Cannington, Queensland
Dendrobium, New South Wales
Elouera, New South Wales
Goonyella/Riverside, Queensland
Gregory/Crinum, Queensland
Griffin, Western Australia, 45% owned
Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory
Hunter Valley, New South Wales
Jimblebar , Western Australia
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Kambalda, Western Australia
Kwinana, Western Australia
Leinster, Western Australia
Minerva offshore, Victoria, 90% owned
Mining Area C , Western Australia
Mount Keith, Western Australia
Mount Whaleback, Western Australia
North West Shelf Venture, Western Australia, 16.67% LNG phase, 8.33% domestic gas phase
Norwich Park, Queensland
Olympic Dam, South Australia
Ore Body 18 , Western Australia
Ore Body 23/25 , Western Australia
Peak Downs, Queensland
Port Hedland, Western Australia
Ravensthorpe, Western Australia
Saraji, Queensland
George Town, Tasmania
West Cliff, New South Wales
Worsley, Western Australia
Yabulu, Queensland, nickel refinery
Yandi, Western Australia
Yarrie , Western Australia
Alumar aluminum smelter/refinery - Sao Luis
Samarco iron ore mine and pelletizing plant - Belo Horizonte
Ekati Diamond Mine
Potash Development, Saskatchewan
Cerro Colorado
Cerrejón, 33.3% owned coal mine in Guajira department
Cerro Matoso, ferronickel mine in Córdoba department
Sangaredi 33.3% interest in bauxite mine and alumina refinery (currently in feasibility study)
Wetar gold mine
Halfaya oil field
Mozal, aluminum smelter
New Zealand
Glenbrook, steel mill
Zamzama gas field
Papua New Guinea
(until 2002) Ok Tedi Mine, copper, cause of a large-scale ecological disaster down the Ok Tedi and Fly rivers.
The United Nations Environment Programme has noted that BHP’s Ok Tedi mine site’s "uncontrolled discharge of 70 million tonnes of waste rock and mine tailings annually has spread more than 1 000 km (621 miles) down the Ok Tedi and Fly rivers, raising river beds and causing flooding, sediment deposition, forest damage, and a serious decline in the area's biodiversity."[26] The resulting devastation caused by the mining of Ok Tedi has included the loss of fish, a vital food source for the local community; loss of forest and crops due to flooding and; the loss of "areas of deep spiritual value for villagers are now submerged in mine tailings."[27]
South Africa
Bayside, 100% owned aluminium smelter in Richards Bay
Hillside, 100% owned aluminium smelter in Richards Bay
Ingwe Coal, comprises several coal mines in the Witbank area in Mpumalanga
Manganese Metal Company, largest electrolytic manganese production facility in the world situated in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga
Metalloys manganese production facility in Meyerton area in Gauteng
HMM (Hotazel Manganese Mines) including Mamatwan and Wessels mines near Hotazel in the Northern Cape
Kaaimangrassie bauxite mine
Coermotibo bauxite mine
Caramacca bauxite mine
Klaverblad bauxite mine
Trinidad & Tobago
Angostura oil & gas field
United Kingdom
Liverpool Bay oil & gas field
New Mexico Coal Company, coal mine in New Mexico consisting of San Juan and Navajo mine
Southwest Copper, Arizona
San Manuel, Arizona
Pinto Valley, Arizona
Gulf of Mexico, Oil and Gas field (Shenzi & Neptune fields)
Resolution Copper, near Superior, Arizona
必和必拓由两家巨型矿业公司合并而成,现在已经是全球最大的采矿业公司。其中,BHP公司成立于1885年,总部设在墨尔本,是澳大利亚历史最悠久、规模最庞大的公司之一。比利登是国际采矿业的先驱,曾经以不断创新和集约式运营方式而闻名。2001年,两家公司合并组成BHP BILLITON矿业集团,BHP持股58%,比利登持股42%。
世界最大矿业集团之一必和必拓(BHP Billiton),最近被命名为“社区企业组织(BITC) 2005年国家杰出奖(National Awards for Excellence)”年度企业。必和必拓将商业成功建立在可持续发展和负责的经营。同时,必和必拓在全球很多业务中开展的各类“冒险”计划,这些计划已经超越了该公司的业务需求范围,涵盖了诸如健康和教育在内的领域,这家矿业公司认为自己有能力为这些事业带来改观。
必和必拓经营模式的中心原则是提供优质多样的资产组合,以确保比传统资源循环更平稳的现金流转和更高的生产能力来驱动增长。2004年,公司的营业额达 249亿美元,息税前收益(EBIT)55亿美元,息税后可营运现金额52亿美元。截至2004年8月26日,公司的市值资本已达583亿美元。
2004年3月,必和必拓宣布其与中国的四家优秀钢铁厂成立威拉拉(Wheelarra)合资公司的意向。该合资公司可保证每年向这些工厂销售约 1,200万吨的铁矿石。它将成为迄今为止必和必拓与中国钢铁厂签定的最大的商业合约,在今后25年里其铁矿石销售总额将达到90亿美元。该合资公司协议已获得中央政府的批准。
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