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3i Group
3i Group PLC (LSE: III) is a leading private equity firm. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.
The company was formed in 1945, as the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation (ICFC), by the Bank of England and the major British banks to provide long term investment funding for small and medium-sized enterprises. Its foundation was inspired by the government, and resulted from the recognition in the 1930s, given new impetus in the postwar era, that smaller businesses faced a gap in available corporate finance: the banks were unwilling to provide long-term capital and the companies were too small to raise capital from the public markets.
During the 1950s and 1960s, particularly after 1959 when the shareholder banks allowed it to raise external funds, ICFC expanded to become the largest provider of venture capital for unquoted companies in the United Kingdom. In 1973 ICFC acquired Finance Corporation for Industry, a sister company also formed in 1945 which focused on finance for large companies, and was renamed Finance for Industry (FFI). In the 1980s FFI became a leading provider of finance for management buyouts, and expanded internationally. In 1983 the company was renamed Investors in Industry, commonly known as 3i.
3i Group was created in 1987 when the banks sold off their stakes to form a public limited company. In 1994 the company was floated on the London Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of £1.5 billion.[1] Until that time the company had only managed its own portfolio of investments, but in 1994 the company began managing funds for external investors. Since that time the company has continued its international expansion, making a number of acquisitions in Europe and more recently starting operations in Asia.
The company undertakes buyouts, growth capital investments, infrastructure investments and quoted private equity. Sectors invested in are Business services, Consumer, Financial services, General industrial, Healthcare, TMT and Oil, gas & power.
Notable current investments
Current investments include:
Agent Provocateur: in November 2007 3i acquired the lingerie business.[2]
Fairline Boats
Foster and Partners: 3i acquired a minority (growth capital) stake in the architecture practice in May 2007.[3]
NCP: this investment was acquired in July 2005 from from Cinven. 3i has since entered into a partial sale of that business.[4]
Scandlines: on June 19 2007, Deutsche Bahn AG and the Danish transport ministry announced the sale of Scandlines for 1,560 million Euros to a consortium consisting of 3i, Allianz Capital Partners and Deutsche Seereederei (DSR) Rostock. DSR will hold 20%, 3i and Allianz both 40%.[5]
3i投资是伦敦证交所上市公司,是欧洲最大的私募投资公司之一,有着60年的投资历史,管理的资产达到140亿美金,每年的投资数额约为20亿美金,其中 50%左右用于管理层收购,从集团企业或私人企业那里买股权;35%为增长型投资,为成长期的公司提供资金帮助;另外15%是风险投资。
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