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Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a global financial services provider headquartered in New York City, New York, United States. It serves a diversified group of corporations, governments, financial institutions, and individuals. Morgan Stanley also operates in 33 countries around the world with 600 offices, with an approximate employee workforce of 45,000.[3] The company reports US$779 billion as assets under its management[4].
The corporation, formed by J.P. Morgan & Co. employees Henry S. Morgan (grandson of J.P. Morgan), Harold Stanley and others, came into existence on September 16, 1935. In its first year the company operated with a 24% market share (US$1.1 billion) in public offerings and private placements. The main areas of business for the firm today are Global Wealth Management, Institutional Securities and Investment Management.
The company found itself in the midst of a management crisis in the late 1990s[5] that saw it lose a lot of talent and competence[6] and ultimately saw the firing of its then CEO Philip Purcell in 2005.
On September 21, 2008, it was reported that the Federal Reserve allowed Morgan Stanley to change its status from investment bank to bank holding company. On September 29, 2008, it was announced that Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Japan's largest bank, will take a stake of $9 billion in Morgan Stanley equity.[7] In the midst of the October 2008 stock market crash, concerns over the completion of the Mitsubishi deal caused a dramatic fall in Morgan Stanley's stock price to levels last seen in 1994. The stock grew considerably after Mitsubishi UFJ closed the deal to buy 21% of Morgan Stanley on October 14, 2008.
Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm that, through its subsidiaries and affiliates, provides its products and services to customers, including corporations, governments, financial institutions and individuals. The company operates in three business segments: Institutional Securities, Global Wealth Management Group, and Asset Management.[8]
Early years: 1935–1950
Morgan Stanley can trace its roots in the history of J.P. Morgan & Co. Following the Glass-Steagall Act, it became no longer possible for a corporation to have investment banking and retail banking businesses under a single holding entity. J.P. Morgan & Co. chose the retail banking business over the investment banking business. As a result, some of the employees of J.P. Morgan & Co., most notably Henry S. Morgan and Harold Stanley, left J.P. Morgan & Co. and joined some others from the Drexel partners to form Morgan Stanley. The firm formally opened the doors for business on September 16, 1935, at Floor 19, 2 Wall Street, New York City. Within its first year, it achieved 24% market share (US$1.1 billion) among public offerings. The firm was involved with the distribution of 1938 US$100 million of debentures for the United States Steel Corporation as the lead underwriter. The firm also obtained the distinction of being the lead syndicate in the 1939 U.S. rail financing. The firm went through a major reorganization in 1941 to allow for more activity in its securities business.[9]
Middle years: 1950–1990
The firm was led by Perry Hall, the last founder to lead Morgan Stanley, from 1951–1961. During this period the firm co-managed the famous World Bank's US$50 million triple-A-rated bonds offering of 1952. The firm, in this period, also came up with the General Motor's US$300 million debt issue, US$231 million IBM stock offering, the US$250 million AT&T's debt offering[10].
In 1962, Morgan Stanley credits itself with having created the first viable computer model for financial analysis[11], thereby starting a new trend in the field of financial analysis. In 1967 it established the Morgan & Cie, International in Paris in attempt to enter the European securities market. It acquired Brooks, Harvey & Co., Inc. in 1967 and established a presence in the real estate business. By 1971 the firm had established its Mergers & Acquisitions business along with Sales & Trading. The sales and trading business is believed to be the brainchild of Bob Baldwin[12]. In 1970 Morgan Stanley opened a representative office in Tokyo and formally entered the Japanese markets. In 1975 Morgan Stanley established Morgan Stanley International Inc. in London. The private wealth management department was added into the firm's business units by 1977 when Morgan Stanley established Morgan Stanley Realty Inc. In the same year Morgan Stanley merged with Shuman, Agnew & Co. Morgan Stanley lead the Apple common stock IPO on December 12, 1980. The firm entered the Prime Brokerage business in 1984. In 1986, Morgan Stanley Group, Inc., was publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange. By 1990 Morgan Stanley had its regional offices in Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Melbourne, Milan, Sydney and Zürich and had regional headquarters in London and Tokyo.
Recent years: 1991–present
In 1996, Morgan Stanley acquired Van Kampen American Capital. On February 5, 1997, the company merged with Dean Witter Reynolds, and Discover & Co. the spun-off financial services business of Sears Roebuck. The merged company was briefly known as "Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Discover & Co." until 1998 when it was known as "Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co." until late 2001. To foster brand recognition and marketing the Dean Witter name was dropped and the firm became "Morgan Stanley". Morgan Stanley acquired AB Asesores of Spain and entered India in a joint venture with JM Financials in 1999.
In 2001, Morgan Stanley lost thirteen employees in the September 11, 2001 attacks, but 2687 were successfully evacuated by Security Director Rick Rescorla, who was one of the thirteen lost; after the disaster, the surviving employees moved to temporary headquarters in the vicinity. In 2005, it moved 2,300 of its employees back to lower Manhattan, at that time the largest such move [13].
In 2004, Morgan Stanley co-managed the Google IPO which is the largest internet IPO in U.S. history. In the same year Morgan Stanley acquired the Canary Wharf Group. On December 19, 2006, after reporting 4th quarter earnings, Morgan Stanley announced the spin-off of its Discover Card unit. In order to cope up with the write-downs during the Subprime mortgage crisis, Morgan Stanley announced on December 19, 2007 that it would receive a US$5 billion capital infusion from the China Investment Corporation in exchange for securities that would be convertible to 9.9% of its shares in 2010.[14]
In August 2008, Morgan Stanley was contracted by the United States Treasury to advise the government on potential rescue strategies for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac [15].
On September 17, 2008, the British evening-news analysis program Newsnight reported that Morgan Stanley was facing difficulties after a 42% slide in its share price. CEO John Mack wrote in a memo to staff "we're in the midst of a market controlled by fear and rumours and short-sellers are driving our stock down." The company was said to explore merger possibilities with CITIC, Wachovia, HSBC, Banco Santander and Nomura.[16]
On September 22, 2008, the last two bulge bracket investment banks in the US, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, both announced that they would become traditional bank holding companies, bringing an end to the era of investment banking on Wall Street. [17] The Federal Reserve's approval of their bid to become banks ends the ascendancy of the securities firms, 75 years after Congress separated them from deposit-taking lenders, and caps weeks of chaos that sent Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. into bankruptcy and led to the rushed sale of Merrill Lynch & Co. to Bank of America Corp. [18]
Morgan Stanley purchased Smith Barney from Citigroup and the new company is operating under the name Morgan Stanley Smith Barney.
Morgan Stanley splits its businesses into three core business units. These follow below.
Institutional Securities
Institutional Securities has been the most profitable business segment[19] for Morgan Stanley in recent times. This business segment provides institutions with services such as capital raising and financial advisory services including advice on mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, real estate and project finance, corporate lending etc. The segment also encompasses the Equities and the Fixed Income divisions of the firm.
Global Wealth Management Group
Global Wealth Management Group provides brokerage and investment advisory services. As of 2008 Q1 this segment has reported an annual increase of 12 percent in the pre-tax income[20]. This segment provides financial and wealth planning services to its clients who are mainly high net worth individuals and hedge funds.
Asset Management
Asset Management provides global asset management products and services in equity, fixed income, alternative investments and private equity to institutional and retail clients through third-party retail distribution channels, intermediaries and Morgan Stanley's institutional distribution channel. Morgan Stanley's asset management activities are principally conducted under the Morgan Stanley and Van Kampen brands. It provides asset management products and services to institutional investors worldwide, including pension plans, corporations, private funds, non-profit organizations, foundations, endowments, governmental agencies, insurance companies and banks. As of 2008 Q1 the segment posted a pre-tax loss of US$161 million[21].
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley,NYSE:MS),财经界俗称“大摩”,是一家成立于美国纽约的国际金融服务公司,提供包括证券、资产管理、企业合并重组和信用卡等多种金融服务,目前在全球27个国家的600多个城市设有代表处,雇员总数达5万多人。2008年9月,更改公司注册地位为“银行控股公司”。[1]
进入1990年代,摩根士丹利进一步扩张,于1995年收购了一家资产管理公司,1997年则又兼并了西尔斯公司下设的投资银行添惠公司(Dean Witter),并更名为摩根士丹利添惠公司。2001年公司改回原先的名字摩根士丹利。
1997年的合并使得美国金融界两位最具个性的银行家带到了一起:摩根士丹利的麦晋桁(John Mack)与添惠的裴熙亮(Philip Purcell),两人的冲突最终以2001年7月麦晋桁的离职结束,从此之后裴熙亮开始担任着摩根士丹利主席兼全球首席执行官的职务。在他的带领下摩根士丹利逐渐发展成为全方位的金融服务公司,提供一站式的多种金融产品。2005年麦晋桁重返摩根士丹利,并接替裴熙亮再度出任主席兼首席执行官。
花旗将以100%的美邦证券、澳大利亚美邦以及在英国提供私人投资管理服务的Quilter的股权及27亿美元现金但不含花旗私人银行以及日本的Nikko Cordial证券。取得“摩根士丹利美邦公司”49%的股份 花旗出售美邦后,帐面获利58亿美元。
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