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Type of Business
Manufacture and sale of hot rolled coils and hot rolled coil pickled and oiled with maximum capacity of 4.0 million tonnes per year
Company Registration
as a Company Limited on March 13, 1990
as a Public Company Limited on February 24, 1994
February 1994
The Board of Investment promotional certificate
No. 1140/2533 issued on August 8, 1990
Main Machine
Hot Rolling Mill and Push-Pull Pickling Line
Hot rolled steel sheet in coils
Weight 5 - 31 tonne/coil
Thickness 0.9-20.0 mm
Hot rolled steel sheet - pickled and oiled (Cleanstrip)
Weight 5 - 32 tonne/coil
Thickness 1.0-7.0 mm
Width 750-1,550 mm
Raw Material
Steel slab
Weight 5 - 32 tonne/slab
Thickness 160 - 250 mm
Width 750-1,560 mm
To be used as raw material for such industries as construction, pipe & tube, gas cylinder, container, furniture, automotive, and cold rolled steel
Registered Capital
20,434,108,235 baht as of 11/10/2011
consisting of 20,434,108,235
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ordinary shares at Baht 1 each
Paid-UP Capital
18,184,235 baht as of 11/10/11
consisting of 18,184,235
ordinary shares at Baht 1 each
Thai %
Foriegn %
South East Asia Iron
Steel Institute
Number of Employees
1005 (January 12,2012)
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