Altos Hornos de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (AHMSA) is the largest integrated steel plant in the country. It has corporate offices in Monclova, Coahuila, in the center of the Mexican state of Coahuila, 155 miles from the United States border.
In an area of nearly 3,000 acres operates two steelworks plants. AHMSA operations start with the extraction of coal and iron ore and finishes with the manufacture of high value-added steel products. Currently, AHMSA operates at an annual production rate of 3 million metric tons of liquid steel.
It is a national leader in the production and commercialization of flat steel products including Hot Rolled Coil, Wide Plate, Cold Rolled Coil, Tinplate and Tin-Free Steel. It also produces non-flat steel products like Heavy Shapes and Light Shapes.
The Company has its own coal mines in Palau, located 70 miles from Monclova. Once extracted, the washed coal is shipped by railroad to AHMSA coke plants.
The main source of iron ore is located in Hercules, Coahuila, a mine owned by AHMSA. From that point the iron ore is transported to AHMSA through a 180 mile pipe (called Ferroduct) that crosses the Coahuila desert. The Company also has iron ore mines in some other Mexican states.
1 Plate
• Low, medium and high carbon steel
• Pressure vessel steel
• Medium and high strength structural steel
• Pipeline, casing, tubing and drilling pipe steel
• Atmospheric corrosion resistant structural steel
2 Hot Rolled Coil
• Low, medium and high carbon steel
• High formability steel for automotive parts
• Steel for shapes and structures
• Pressure vessel steel
• Pipeline, casing, tubing and drilling pipe steel
• Atmospheric corrosion resistant structural steel
3 Hot Rolled Coil
• Carbon Steel for automotive use
• Carbon Steel for large home appliances
• Annealed-free carbon steel (full-hard)
• Steel for electric use
• High strenght and low alloy carbon steel (HSLA)
• High Carbon Steel
4 Tin Plate
5 Tin-free Steel
6 Structural Steel
• "W" Shapes
• "C" Shapes
• Angles "L" Shapes
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