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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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Our Vision, Mission and Values

TECO Energy is built on a foundation of more than 100 years of history. We incorporate the strengths of three businesses and support services to work together as one united company. In the spirit of coming together, we have chosen to reinforce the values that unify our companies and support services under one common TECO Energy umbrella. We believe that by agreeing on, practicing and reinforcing these values at all levels, we will become a stronger and more unified organization.


Our Vision:编辑本段回目录

Become a values-driven, financially successful Fortune 500 company.

Our Mission:编辑本段回目录

Delivering value to energy customers, shareholders, team members and communities.

Our Values:编辑本段回目录

Safety First:

We emphasize a safe work environment and a culture of looking out for the safety and well-being of each other, our customers and our community.
We believe the safety of life outweighs all other considerations.
Integrity Always:

We hold ourselves to the highest ethical behavior in all of our business activities, including legal, regulatory, financial, operational and environmental matters.
We honor our commitments.
Respect and Concern For Others:

We value differences, development, teamwork, open communications, care for others and continuous learning.
We treat all stakeholders, including customers, team members, business partners and investors, fairly.
We communicate openly and in a timely way with all stakeholders.
Achievement With A Sense Of Urgency:

We work, as a team, with speed, sound judgment and diligence toward common goals.
We support the business strategy and accept ownership and personal responsibility for our actions.
Customer Service:

We realize customers are why our organization exists.
We treat them fairly and provide high-quality services.


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标签: 美国 外企 电力 煤炭

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