Outokumpu Stainless发表评论(0)编辑词条
Outokumpu Stainless Steel Profile:
Outokumpu is an international stainless steel company. Its vision is to be the undisputed number one in stainless, with success based on operational excellence.
Customers in a wide range of industries – from the process industry and industrial machinery to building, construction and electrical industry, transportation, electronics and information technology, as well as catering and households – use its metal products, technologies and services worldwide. It is dedicated to helping our customers gain competitive advantage.
Outokumpu operates in some 30 countries and employs 8 000 people. In 2008, the Group's sales were EUR 5.5 billion. The Group's headquarters are located in Espoo, Finland. The parent company, Outokumpu Oyj, has been listed on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki since 1988.
Stainless steel is the fastest growing metal market across the world. In this market we are well positioned: one of the world’s four largest producers, and also widely recognized as world leaders in technical support, research and development.
Key Products:
It produces a range of grades, each with different properties by varying the levels of chromium, nickel, and molybdenum, and other elements such as titanium and niobium that are added to stainless steel.
1) Coil, Sheet and Plate: After the hot rolling stage, the coil is hot annealed and pickled, then cold rolled, cold annealed and pickled, followed by surface treatment and cutting to size.
2) Quarto Plate: Outokumpu is a world leader in the production of quarto plate (or as it is sometimes called Reversing Mill Plate) at its dedicated four-high plate mill at Degerfors in Sweden.
3) Long Products: Stainless wire rod is used primarily in four main market sectors: wire drawing, bright bar processing, fastener manufacture, and in the production of welding consumables.
4) SS Rebar: Corrosion resistant stainless steel reinforcing bar from Outokumpu offers a more durable solution for reinforced concrete than the carbon steel alternative.
5) Tubular Products: Stainless steel high integrity tubes are used in process industries such as pulp and paper, chemical and petrochemical, food and beverage, and energy industries.
6) Thin Strip: Outokumpu offers thin, stainless steel strip products in coil form produced to extremely tight tolerances of both width and thickness.
About Stainless Steel:
Many types of stainless steels have been developed to resist different corrosion environments and working conditions ensuring that factories are safe, structures last longer and our food is hygienic. Stainless steel is even used for in systems to clean up the exhaust gases from cars and power stations.
Stainless steel is also recyclable: when scrapped, it can be re-melted to make something new.
The four major types of stainless steel are: Austenitic, Ferritic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex), and Martensitic.
奥托昆普集团的不锈钢公司,是全球四大不锈钢生产商之一,被公认为行业技术研发引领者。工厂分别设在芬兰、瑞典、英国和美国,生产冷、热轧不锈钢,精密钢带,不锈钢管和长材,不锈钢配件,法兰等,产品规格齐全。可自产铬铁原材料。高品质不锈钢产品可用于餐具、剃刀片、食品加工机械、化工厂和石油平台。 奥托昆普Outokumpu公司2005年7月20日表示,已经与奥地利特殊钢公司乌德霍尔姆公司Boehler-Uddeholm公司签署了关于出售不锈钢焊接业务(阿维斯塔Avesta焊接业务,包括针对不锈钢的焊接材料、表面处理材料和焊后处理)。
在不锈钢组织架构上,奥托昆普将依产品类型整体分为普通不锈钢及特殊不锈钢两大类的同时,不锈钢管独立出来即奥托昆普不锈钢管材部(Outokumpu Stainless Tubular Products)。普通不锈钢分部包括以下三部分:托尔尼奥不锈钢厂(Tornio Works)、谢斯菲尔德卷材(Coil Products Sheffield)、谢斯菲尔德初级产品(Sheffield Primary Products),新的特殊不锈钢分部主要包含四个部分:阿维斯塔工厂(Avesta Works)、薄带钢(包括瑞典的Nyby、Kloster工厂等)、热轧钢板(包括美国的板材工厂)、长材钢品(包括美国的长材工厂)及谢斯菲尔德特殊带钢(Sheffield Special Strip)。 位于英国的谢斯菲尔德钢带厂,生产精密钢带,向60多个国家出口产品。厚度0.03mm-450mm,可提供不同表面、韧度,不同等级的奥氏体、铁素体、马氏体产品。
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