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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

Whitehaven Coal发表评论(0)编辑词条

    Whitehaven Coal是澳大利亚上市公司(WHC),其矿产主要位于澳大利亚东南部的新南威尔士州,拥有四个露天煤矿,2010财年收入为4亿澳元,税前收益超过1亿澳元。

    Whitehaven Coal年报显示,其主要生产低灰动力煤,目前有17.485亿吨资源量,其中可采储量 3.657亿吨。2010年末,Whitehaven Coal权益产能仅有313万吨,该公司预计到2013年自己的年产量将达到1150万吨。

    Whitehaven is the emerging force in the Australian Coal mining industry.

    We are the leading coal producer in NSW's Gunnedah Basin. Our vision is to be Australia’s leading independent coal company. We are delivering on plans to double 2014 production to achieve sales of 23Mtpa on a 100% basis by FY2018.

    The principal activities of the Group are exploration, project evaluation, project development and coal mining activities in New South Wales’ Gunnedah Basin. Whitehaven Coal owns four open cut mines (Maules Creek, Werris Creek, Tarrawonga and Rocglen), one large underground mine (Narrabri) and operates a Coal Handling and Processing Plant at Gunnedah.

    Our coal travels from the Gunnedah Basin by rail to the Port of Newcastle before being shipped to our customers in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India and China.

    Whitehaven Coal’s principal products are high quality, high energy, low ash and low sulphur thermal coal and metallurgical coals used in the production of steel. High margin metallurgical coal production could exceed 40% of total production when Maules Creek is fully ramped post FY2018.

    With coal now being railed from Maules Creek, the company is growing its local community based
workforce from 600 to over 1,100 people within the next five years.

    We are committed to the sustainable development of our coal reserves, the safety and wellbeing of our employees and working constructively with local communities.


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