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Anglo Coal Australia Ltd Anglo Coal Australia is a wholly owned division of Anglo American plc, A global leader in mining and natural resources with coal operations in Australia, South America and South Africa
Anglo Coal Mines :
a. Anglo Coal Callide Mine
Callide mine is a leading Queensland coal producer providing low sulphur, sub bituminous thermal coal primarily for domestic power generation. The coalfields cover an area of 176 square kilometres and contain seams up to 26 metres thick. Annual production: 10.7 Mt ROM with 9.5 Mt saleable coal. Reserves: 243 Mt (@ 30.06.06)
b. Anglo Coal Capcoal Mine Via Middlemount Middlemount
Capcoal operates three underground mines and an open cut mine which all produce premium quality hard coking coal for export steel markets. The majority of coal is mined from the German Creek Formation, noted for containing hard coking coal of exceptionally high quality. The German Creek Sequence contains five coal seam intervals known as the German Creek, Corvus, Tieri, Aquila and Pleiades seams. Annual Production: Capcoal mines 11.8 Mt of coal each year to produce in excess of 8.5 Mt of prime quality hard coking coal. Reserves: Mining leases controlled by Capcoal cover 27,343 hectares and estimated resources exceed one billion tonnes with insitu mineable reserves of 125 Mt.
c. Anglo Coal Dartbrook Mine
d. Anglo Coal Drayton Mine
Drayton is an open cut coal mine, based 13 kilometres south of the town of Muswellbrook in the Upper Hunter Valley in New South Wales, Australia. The mine commenced operation in 1983 and produces approximately 5.5 Mt of thermal coal each year for export and domestic markets. Drayton and the contiguous Saddlers Creek thermal deposit are situated in the Hunter Valley coalfields of the Sydney Basin. Annual production: 2006 5.5 Mt ROM coal, 5.4 Mt saleable coal.. Reserves; 61 Mt proven/probable.
e. Anglo Coal Foxleigh Mine
Anglo Coal Australia acquired 70% interest in Foxleigh on 29 February 2008. Foxleigh is an open cut operation located adjacent to Anglo Coal Australia’s Capcoal Surface Operation, in the heart of the Bowen Basin in central Queensland. Foxleigh currently produces a low volatile pulverised coal injection (PCI) coal product for use in steelmaking applications around the world. Foxleigh coal is taken from the Middlemount, Tralee, Roper and Pisces seams from within the Rangal coal measures in the southern Bowen Basin. Annual Production: Foxleigh produces approximately 2.5 million tonnes per annum of pulverised coal injection (PCI) coal for the steelmaking industry. The mine’s production capacity is 3.3 million tonnes per annum of product coal. Reserves: Estimated coal resources are approximately 290 million tonnes – Foxleigh and surrounding tenements are the subject of ongoing exploration and feasibility studies.
f. Anglo Coal Grasstree Mine
g. Anglo Coal Moranbah North Mine
The Moranbah North mine is located in the northern part of Queensland's Bowen Basin around 18 kilometres north of the town of Moranbah. Mining commenced at Moranbah North in 1998. The mining lease covers aAnnual production: 4.5 Mt of hard coking coal . Reserves: 20+ years mine life h. Anglo Coal Dawson Mine Dawson Highway Moura QLD 4718 Phone +61 7 4990 9700 Fax +61 7 4990 9800
Dawson mine, one of Queensland’s leading export coal operations, is owned by the Moura Joint Venture, comprising Anglo Coal Australia Pty Ltd (51 %) and Mitsui Coal Holdings Pty Ltd (49 %). The mine is operated by Anglo Coal Australia. Annual production: 7 Mt. Reserves: Currently 297 Mt, but will increase with the life expectancy of the mine to greater than 25 years.
英美资源集团于2002 年在北京开设了代表处。这标志着英美资源集团对中国长期承诺的开始,即成为中国的一个世界级的长期稳定的合作伙伴。此后英美煤炭,安格鲁阿山帝黄金,英美铂金,戴比尔斯相继在北京开设了代表处。目前,集团所有的业务部门都在中国积极地开展业务。 目前英美资源集团在中国已有1600名员工,分布在18个不同的单位工作,包括北京,上海,内蒙古, 浙江, 甘肃,新疆和陕西。
2005年英美资源集团在中国市场的销售额约为20亿美元 (主要是铂金, 黄金, 钻石, 铁矿石和有色金属), 另外每年投入2000万美元在中国珠宝手饰市场做推广及促销活动。到目前为止英美资源集团在华投资已达4亿美元。
英美资源集团致力于在中国积极投资,开发项目,发展业务, 与中国伙伴一起, 在中国建立世界级的,可持续发展的, 安全环保的矿业和资源企业,并为我们工作和生活所在的社会和社区作出贡献。
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