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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家

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Since 1984, our Group has grown and developed into a truly global and dynamic Group of Companies, serving the liquid and dry bulk industry.
Our offices are strategically located in the major liquid and dry bulk resource and consuming regions of the world, offering an all encompassing and seamless shipping agency services.
The combined effort and support of our units in over 20 countries around the world make us unique.

LBH Group

LBH Group (Lagendijk Brothers Holding) was established in 1984 by the brothers Jan and Bert Lagendijk in The Netherlands. They partnered with well experienced and reliable entrepreneurs in strategically selected countries to expand their market. LBH Group is presently established in twenty countries and is staffed by professionals from many different cultures and nationalities, making us truly a global company.
One of the key ingredients to our success is that we understand our clients’ business and acknowledge the importance of monitoring the market forces that drive their business. To this end LBH continuously researches trade trends and meets regularly with its clients to stay up to date with current developments. Our representatives attend most of the major dry and liquid bulk conferences throughout the world, in an effort to enhance our market knowledge of this industry. In addition LBH global employees are doing cross training in other countries where there is an LBH unit and where there is a possible trade with their own country.

LBH Marketing

LBH Group makes use of a unique marketing setup, structured by LBH Marketing. The LBH Marketing headquarter is based in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, headquarters of the LBH Group, and is focused on following developments in global trades. It has subdivisions in The Netherlands (Quality Control, Operational Support), Switzerland (to monitor the European region) and China (to monitor the Asian region), to cover different regions of the world. By monitoring the operations of LBH units worldwide we collect valuable information to make informed and balanced decisions on your behalf. The LBH Marketing desk is a unique operation in our field and is purely geared to continually upgrade our service level.

As part of the LBH Group, each and every one of our units around the world is ready to provide you with top quality service. We all look forward to develop a long lasting partnership with you for the expedition and enhancement of your cargo movements through the transition from land to sea and vice versa.

Website: www.lbh-group.com

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