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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
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Bahia Mineração发表评论(0)编辑词条

Bahia Mineração is a Brazilian company that entered the iron ore extraction market with a very ambitious plan as a pioneer in the state of Bahia.  It has the ambitious goals of producing 18 million metric tons of iron ore per year, becoming one of the most modernized mines in the world, and transforming Bahia into the third largest iron ore producer in Brazil. 

The relative youth of Bahia Mineração as a company is balanced by the extensive experience of the company’s executives at some of the largest mining companies, and by qualified professionals who are inspired by the goal of transforming the company into one of the largest suppliers of raw materials to the iron and steel industry worldwide.

It is precisely because of this that we recognize the importance of each person that contributes to the life of this project, and this is why we invest in the development of these dynamic professionals who are always working to achieve excellence and the best results with the lowest costs possible, helping to build a strong and stable company. 

The people who work at Bahia Mineração are one of the three pillars that sustain the company, forming a strong foundation with two other important principles:  sustainable business, grounded in environmental preservation and the economic and social development of the communities in the region where we are located; and the transparency and ethical values found at each level of the company, which gives credibility and integrity to our work. 

In addition to being guided by our strong philosophy and having the intention of becoming a world leader in providing iron ore to the iron and steel industry, Bahia Mineração believes that its growth is directly linked to the economic and social development of the surrounding communities within the Pedra de Ferro project.
Bahia Mineração is a mining company whose objective is the commercialization of iron ore for the iron and steel industry.  Towards this end it extracts and purifies the iron ore deposits found beneath the earth’s surface in a sustainable fashion, transforming the iron ore into raw material for products that are essential to modern life, and in doing so provides revenue for the state of Bahia and consequently the rest of the country.

We are committed to sustainable operations, contributing to the economic development of the region, protecting the environment, and supporting social projects together with the surrounding communities where Bahia Mineração and its projects are located. 

Through mining iron ore sustainably we can generate wealth, job opportunities, progress and development for all of society.
Bahia Mineração is a mining company whose objective is the commercialization of iron ore for the iron and steel industry.  Towards this end it extracts and purifies the iron ore deposits found beneath the earth’s surface in a sustainable fashion, transforming the iron ore into raw material for products that are essential to modern life, and in doing so provides revenue for the state of Bahia and consequently the rest of the country.

We are committed to sustainable operations, contributing to the economic development of the region, protecting the environment, and supporting social projects together with the surrounding communities where Bahia Mineração and its projects are located. 

Through mining iron ore sustainably we can generate wealth, job opportunities, progress and development for all of society.

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标签: Bahia Mineraç ã o 国外企业

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