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Open hearth furnace

Open hearth furnaces are one of a number of kinds of furnace where excess carbon and other impurities are burnt out of the pig iron to produce steel. Since steel is difficult to manufacture due to its high melting point, normal fuels and furnaces were insufficient and the open hearth furnace was developed to overcome this difficulty. Most open hearth furnaces were closed by the early 1990s, not least because of their fuel inefficiency, being replaced by the basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace.

Technically perhaps, the first primitive open hearth furnace was the Catalan forge, invented in Spain in the 8th century, but it is usual to confine the term to certain 19th century and later steelmaking processes, thus excluding bloomeries (including the Catalan forge), finery forges, and puddling furnaces from its application.

Open hearth steelmaking
In 1865, the french engineer Pierre-Emile Martin took out a license from Siemens and first applied his furnace for making steel. Their process was known as the Siemens-Martin process, and the furnace as an "open-hearth" furnace. The most appealing characteristic of the Siemens regenerative furnace is the rapid production of large quantities of basic steel, used for example to construct high-rise buildings. The usual size of furnaces is 50 to 100 tons, but for some special processes they may have a capacity of 250 or even 500 tons. The Siemens-Martin process complemented rather than replaced the Bessemer process. It is slower and thus easier to control.

The basic oxygen steelmaking replaced the open hearth furnace. In the US, steel production using the inefficient open hearth furnaces had stopped by 1992. The nation with the highest share of steel produced with open hearth furnaces (almost 50%) remains Ukraine.


  平炉炼钢自1864年法国人P..马丁利用有蓄热室的火焰炉 ,用废钢、生铁成功地炼出钢液起,直到1960年一直是世界上的主要炼钢方法 ,从60年代起平炉逐渐被氧气转炉和电炉炼钢所代替。

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标签: open hearth furnace 平炉
