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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家


Kryvorizhstal (Ukrainian: Криворіжсталь, Russian: Криворожсталь; officially Arcelor Mittal Steel Kryvyi Rih) is a large integrated steel company located in the Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih. Bought in 2005 by Mittal Steel, the company is one of the most important businesses in Ukraine and a globally-important steel producer. Particularly, it is the largest steel manufacturer in Ukraine and largest manufacturer of both reinforcing bar and wire rod in the former Soviet Union. The company also produces processed iron ore concentrates for both own use and market.

In 2004, Kryvorizhstal produced about 7.08 million tonnes of crude steel. As of 2005, the company employed about 57,000 people. Arcelor Mittal Kriviy Rih raised commercial roll production to 7.1 million tonnes in 2007. The company controls around a fifth of Ukraine's steel market.

Located fully in Kryvyi Rih, Kryvorizhstal is the largest and most up-to date steel company in the Kryvbas region (as well as in the whole Ukraine). It was built as an integrated mining and metallurgy plant (Ukrainian: комбінат, kombinat), comprising of:

iron ore mines
ore processing factories
coke-processing, oxygen and other auxiliary metallurgical facilities
metal fusion workshops of different types
metal-rolling workshops
Company's iron ore needs are satisfied by both its own processing and the supply by other ore companies of Kryvyi Rih. Instead, Kryvorizhstal sells part of its processed ore on the market.




2005年10月24日,国际钢铁巨鳄米塔尔集团(Mittal Steel)以48亿美元的高价收购了乌克兰克里沃罗什钢铁厂93.02%的股份,将于36天内将上述款项汇入乌克兰国有资产基金会。米塔尔钢铁集团此次收购克里沃罗什钢铁厂所付出的巨资是乌克兰独立14年以来所有私有化项目总收入的120%!


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