DTEK energy发表评论(0)编辑词条
DTEK is Ukraine’s energy sector leader. The Company’s businesses work effectively in the sectors of coal production and processing, and electricity generation and distribution. The Company is the energy division of System Capital Management (SCM). DTEK is one of the largest employers in the country, providing jobs to more than 130,000 people. The Company adheres to the principles of sustainable social development and is a party to the UN Global Compact.
DTEK traditionally supplies its coal to power plants, coking plants and iron and steel works in Ukraine as well as power plants and industrial facilities in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. DTEK’s power supplying companies supply electricity to the largest domestic industrial consumers and Ukrainian households. DTEK also exports electricity to Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Belarus, and Moldova. The Company develops various promising strategic business directions, including oil and gas and alternative power projects.
DTEK traditionally supplies its coal to power plants, coking plants and iron and steel works in Ukraine as well as power plants and industrial facilities in Europe, Asia, North and South America and Africa. DTEK’s power supplying companies supply electricity to the largest domestic industrial consumers and Ukrainian households. DTEK also exports electricity to Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Belarus, and Moldova. The Company develops various promising strategic business directions, including oil and gas and alternative power projects.
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