Outokumpu Oyj发表评论(0)编辑词条
It all started in 1910
Outokumpu's history dates back to 1910 when a substantial copper ore deposit was discovered in Eastern Finland. The company was founded to commence mining and metallurgical operations in the area. Outokumpu Oyj has been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland since 1988, and the head office is located in Espoo, Finland. It has production plants in countries such as Finland, Sweden, UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Estonia.
Aim – No 1 in the world of stainless steel
New markets for stainless steel bring new user needs and the development is explosive. Outokumpu has the resources, the desire and the expertise to lead that development. Currently it has a 25% share of the stainless steel coil market in Europe and an 8% share worldwide. Outokumpu’s desire to be the number one is a strong driving force at all levels within the company. It means, for instance, that it want to reach a top position as an employer and be the most attractive working place in the stainless world.
A worldwide perspective
The Outokumpu Group today is a truly international group. It currently employs approximately 8,000 people in some 30 countries. Its annual sales are approximately 6 billion euros. In 2008, the Group's sales were EUR 5.5 billion.
Versatile use of its products
Outokumpu’s products can be found in applications within industries such as: food & beverage, pulp & paper, transportation, process industry, electronics, information technology and construction – to name just a few.
Stainless steel – A fully recyclable material
Outokumpu’s product – stainless steel – is a highly modern product: it is corrosion resistant, hygienic and aesthetic. It also has high strength, low lifecycle costs and, last but definitely not least, it is fully recyclable. In other words, its main product – stainless steel – is a contemporary material with excellent green credentials. But also a material of the future.
奥托昆普集团是世界著名的有色冶金公司,闪烁炼铜技术的发源地。在各大洲都建有工厂和办事处。该集团是世界一流的生产精炼铜和精炼锌产品的公司, 其生产中回收的副产品包括稀有金属、硒、镉、汞、硫酸等。该集团是世界上第二大生产铜管、铜片、铜条、铜线、铜型材、超导体、铸件等精铜和铜合金产品的生产商。 另外,该集团还是世界第二大生产不锈钢的公司-AvestaPolarit 公司的控股股东。
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