In 2014 the decision was made to bring together a number of BHP Billiton’s high quality, well-maintained, cash generative assets and a team of great people to form a new resources company; one diversified by commodity, customer and geography. In May 2015, following a successful shareholder vote, South32 was founded.
The roots of South32 are in the Southern Hemisphere, with a head office in Perth, regional hubs in Perth and Johannesburg, and marketing office in Singapore, but our operations span the globe, with assets in Australia, Southern Africa and South America.
Through our assets we have been working in Africa for 78 years, Australia for 80 years and South America since 1981.
South32 is a new company, but we have a proud heritage in South Africa, Australia and around the world.
South32 is a resources company built around a single idea: that in a rapidly-changing world, we have an opportunity to make a difference, from the ground up.
The roots of South32 are in the Southern Hemisphere, with a head office in Perth and regional hubs in Perth and Johannesburg. Management of South32 Marketing is based in Singapore, with offices in London to support customers in the EMEA and Atlantic regions and in South Africa and Australia to service our domestic customers. Our shares trade on the ASX, JSE and LSE under the listing code of S32, and our operations span the globe, with assets in Australia, southern Africa and South America.
We are a globally diversified metals and mining company with a portfolio of high quality, well maintained, cash generative assets producing bauxite, alumina, aluminium, energy and metallurgical coal, manganese, nickel, silver, lead and zinc.
We are the world’s largest producer of manganese ore, and own the world’s largest silver mine. We run exceptionally high-quality alumina refinery and two modern, cost-competitive aluminium smelters. And we run one of the world’s leading ferronickel operations.
We believe that the creation of value can make a real difference to the communities in which we operate, and we are committed to realising the potential of resources; human and mineral. By meeting the needs of our employees, our host communities, and the governments who represent them, we enhance our licence to operate.
South32 is a new kind of resources company, one that believes people working together can create a brighter future for all.
We work hard to maintain the trust of our owners and partners as we seek to unlock the potential of our assets, growing value for our shareholders and the communities in which we operate.
South32’s regional model means our businesses are run by people who understand their communities and the environment in which they operate.
Our African businesses will be managed from a regional hub in Johannesburg, and our Australian and South American businesses through a regional hub in Perth.
This integrated approach allows us to more closely align our businesses with the needs of our stakeholders, and empowers us to optimise support functions regionally to deliver more efficient and productive operations.
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