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热门关键字: 螺纹钢 铁矿石 电炉 炼钢 合金钢 转炉 结构钢
钢铁百科 - 钢之家




煤炭业务 编辑本段回目录

    万浦也在河南省投资了煤炭生产,通过持有合资企业 — 鹤壁中泰矿业有限公司40%的股份,运营着位于河南省的井工煤矿,鹤壁煤矿的年产量为140万吨。


    2006年初,万浦投资(中国)有限公司正式进军中国电力市场,目前在中国北方拥有并运营着三家热电厂,分别位于河北省的正定、滦南以及山东省的邹平。三家电厂的总装机容量为248兆瓦, 总蒸汽产量为808吨/小时。


    Banpu Investment (China) Limited or BIC is a Chinese subsidiary of Banpu Public Company Limited, one of the leading energy companies in Asia based in Thailand. Banpu has had extensive experience in coal and power businesses for more than two decades of dynamic growth. (See more details about Banpu, please visit www.banpu.com)
    Headquartered in Beijing, BIC manages two underground coal mines and three combined heat and power (CHP) plants located in the northern region of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). With a combination of international professionals and management team from its parent company as well as competent local team, BIC is able to continuously enhance its Chinese operations, employing various global best practices to achieve the operational standard.
    BIC aims to grow its local business along with the economic expansion of the PRC with an emphasis on social and environmental responsibility and operation safety for a well-being of the community and the society as a whole.
    Coal Business
    After the first step into the Chinese coal industry in 2003, Banpu, through Asian American Coal Inc., is currently engaged in the investment and development of coal mining in China by holding 45% in Shanxi Gaohe Energy Company Limited (GAOHE).
    GAOHE mines has been granted 30-year concessions, to undertake the development and production of underground coal mine in Shanxi province. GAOHE mine is now under construction and expected to commence its coal production by 2011 with designed capacity of 6 million tonnes per annum.
    Banpu has also invested in the coal production in Henan province by holding 40% stakes in the joint venture company, Hebi Zhong Tai Mining Company Limited (HEBI), which operates the underground coal mine in Henan province. HEBI mine has a production capacity of 1.4 million tonnes per annum.
    Power Business
    BIC entered into the power business in the People’s Republic of China in early 2006 and currently owns and operates three combined heat and power (CHP) plants in northern China namely Zhengding and Luannan in Hebei province and Zouping in Shandong province. Total combined power generating capacity of the three plants is 248 MW and steam generating capacity of 808 tonnes per hour.
    BIC’s three CHP plants supply steam to industrial and residential users including district heating during winter in designated areas around each plant. Power is supplied to the local grid company where each plant is located.



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