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Thai Premier Multinational Energy Company
To conduct integrated energy and petrochemical business as the nation's energy company
whose mission is to equally respond to all stakeholders through the following aspects:
To the country
Ensuring long-term energy security by providing adequate high-quality energy supply at fair prices to support economic growth.
To shareholders
Operating profitable business that leads to sustainable growth while generating optimum returns.
To business partners
Conducting fair business practice with all partners while promoting trust, relationship, and cooperation to expand business capability and increase efficiency in long-term business partnership.
To community and society
Maintaining a good standing corporate status in Thai society by exercising environment stewardship of internationally accepted standards and helping to improve the quality of life for the community and society.
To customers
Ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty by delivering world-class quality products and services at fair prices.
To employees
Promoting capability building professionally and ensuring that employees’ well-being is on the level with other leading companies.
Petroleum Authority of Thailand
Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) was established on December 29, 1978, concurrently in the period of the second world crisis of petroleum shortages. Thus, PTT commenced its primary mission in expediting to procure adequate oil for domestic consumption. That was such a drive for PTT to seek additional indigenous petroleum reservoirs for the benefit of the country. As a result, Thailand has been able to increase energy security while reducing.
PTT Public Company Limited
Following the privatization of the state enterprise “Petroleum Authority of Thailand”, PTT Public Company Limited or “PTT” was registered on October 1, 2001 “under Corporatization Act B.E. 2542 (A.D. 1999). PTT inherited from its predecessor or business operations, rights, debts, liabilities, assets and personal.
PTT has an initial registered capital of Baht 20,000 million (10 Baht/share). Having the Ministry of Finance as the largest shareholder, the company was listed on.
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